Saturday, January 13, 2018

Do you hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church today?

What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Body of Christ today and are you listening? He is reminding us that our Body's are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We cannot take them for granted. Conviction is good, this means we are listening. As believers we are called to discipline ourselves and do what we can to be healthy. If this means losing weight for healthy purposes, not vanity; then we need to follow through. I am talking to myself as well as you. Our body takes us around, enabling us to work and walk. I believe God wants us to finish the work that he has anointed us to complete while we are here. But if we get sick due to our own fleshly lusts, how would that glorify Him? I encourage you today, Be strong, be bold and follow through on your conviction to glorify Him. As surely as I write this, Your obedience will bring a blessing.

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