Friday, May 24, 2019

Prayer for our President, please pray with me.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We give you first place this morning in our hearts and minds. We give you all honor and all of our love. We give you all praise as you have given us another day to glorify you. You continually shower us with blessings O Father, keep us under your shelter, point us into the directions we can be the most fruitful for your kingdom. Thank you for teaching us the importance of your love and following through on your instructive word. Teach us how to return the beauty of your love to you and others. 

We lift up our leader President Trump to you and we request you would continually give him and his wife the wisdom to make good godly decisions; first to glorify you and second for our nations good. We ask that you would keep them both healthy, that your angels would guard them upon their beds, when they eat and going and coming. We declare complete safety. We ask their faces be fearless like flint and full of faith leaning always upon the promises you have given them through your word. We ask that you would bring grace and a seasoning to his voice, his heart and that all his motives would be led by your Holy Spirit. Honor his prayer of desiring to be, "the most Praying President this nation has ever had." Use him mightily Father for your glory, to bring this nation back to you. Keep all his family safe, strong and all of his team. Give them your steely perseverance to keep resisting the words and tactics of the enemy. Give them the capacity to follow through upon the justice we have prayed for and cried out for in our land. Send more Prayer Warriors to fill in the gaps. We ask that you would continue to pave the way to overturn Roe vs Wade. We know this is your will. We ask that, by your hand; you would fill up our Supreme Court with all godly men and women. We ask that your Holy Spirit would shut all of the dragon's mouths. We ask that you would stop all of the lies these people give in the airwaves and in politics and that they would know it is from your hand and power. We ask that you would humble these people to your truth. We ask that your goodness would be manifest throughout our land and told by your messengers, your angels and your people. We know our President has your favor. We ask that you would untie and release all of the godly ideas that you have placed inside of his heart for this nation. We declare together, our nation is a sheep nation! Bring all resistance down. We ask that he would indeed be overwhelmingly re-elected and that there would be no denying he was sent by you and that this would reveal your deep love your people. Do what you must O Father, shake what needs to be shaken to bring back your truth to reign upon this country. Raise up a bold people to declare your strength and truth, awaken men's hearts so they will be receptive. Prepare your people for this awakening. Prepare everything inside of us. We desire to be ready for the coming of your Son Jesus Christ. We look for Him everyday. We love you.  Thank you Lord. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.     

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