Wednesday, January 22, 2020

True love will always involve sacrifice

Road bombs were going off in front of the solider and landmines were set to decapitate and kill the men who were leading the troops. Back home, I was praying throughout the night for my sons who had been sent to war. “Bring them safely home Lord.” I knew God would honor my faith, but when a mother knows her son has been put in harms way; she stays on her knees. One by one, they all came home safely. The horrors of war are unspeakable. Later, one of my sons who was leading his troops in the Fallujah siege, quietly told me:
 “Mom, I prayed Psalm 121.”

“I will lift up mine eyes to the mountain from whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the lord will protect you with his right hand. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will preserve you from all evil; he will preserve your soul. The Lord will preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even for evermore.” Psalm 121:1-8 AP 

I weep with thankfulness when I think about all of the “near misses” in my life and those I love. I pray for the parents of those that did not make it back from war and those who will never be the same. Many come back with a different frame of mind. Perhaps the survivors need to learn a little bit more before we are called home. 

Let’s pray for our Troops this morning:

Precious Father,

We have so much to thank you for and although it may be hard at times, possibly due to our broken hearts and lack of understanding, we choose to continue to put all of our trust in you. We lift up all of our troops in harms way to you and we ask that your hand would be continually upon them as they follow through, obeying the orders that are given to them. We ask that you would continue to post invisible guards all around these warriors that nothing would harm them in anyway. We ask that all the plots and schemes from the enemy would be put down and foiled. Bring all these men and women back home safely. We ask that what was meant for evil be turned around for your glory and our good.

We lift up Israel to you. We know Israel is the Apple of your eye. We ask that your angel Michael would have plenty of help with your protective angels all around that land. We ask that your Holy Spirit would continue to prepare your people’s hearts and keep them all safe. We ask that your Spirit would   prepare them for the coming of your Son Jesus. Prepare all those who love you for His second coming. Prepare the hearts of all the five fold ministers who love you for this event. Nurture your flock in such a way they will be able to walk with the confident assurance of the grace you have given to them through their faith. I ask that you would rise up many believers in Israel and the church around the world to declare your truth boldly in love. Teach them to learn to be fully dependent upon the leading of your Holy Spirit. I ask that you would begin to speak to those full of zeal upon their beds the mission you have set before them, to put the serpents head under our feet. Renew our faith, our love and our work in you Father. I pray your people will not limit your truth, will not limit your word, will not limit their walk and will not limit your gospel nor limit your precious Holy Spirit and the peace and love He brings. Thank you Father. In your Son we ask, amen.  

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