Saturday, August 29, 2020

Morning Prayer [pray with me]

 Precious Heavenly Father,

I pray that as we live we will see your glory returned in our nation. I pray that your hand would never be removed among us. I pray that your love will empower all those who are blind and cannot see the saving grace of your Son Jesus Christ. Give them new hearts Father. You are the God of all hope!  I pray that our nation will be named a sheep nation and not a goat nation. I pray that I will see the complete abolishment of all abortions and all those who are doing this have their funds completely dried up, hands cuffed and tied and all their works once and for all, be rendered obsolete. We petition, let the vile word abortion never to be named in our nation again. I pray that the union between a man and a woman only, will be once again be blessed by the sanction of marriage. I pray ALL sexual trafficking towards your children and your adults will be caught and the perpetrators be dealt with according to your will and never again be a tool for wickedness in our nation. I ask that all illegal drugs in this nation be erupted, caught red-handed and man-handled to destroyed every scheme, every plan and every wicked idea be done away with! I pray for justice. I pray these people would never have the opportunity to bring down this nation again. I pray about those who are destroying this nation, those who are burning buildings, cars, buses, trucks, businesses and destroying people’s homes and murdering those around them, snuffing out young lives, I declare boldly in Jesus name for justice. While they scream and shout for revolution through their wicked ways, we boldly declare our Father has shown us the Battle belongs to Him and it is He who has heard our prayers. Our nation was funded upon your principles and we no longer will allow the enemy to take any of your blessings you have given to us for granted! We now repent of our laodicean ways, we humble ourselves and will walk by faith, not by sight. By faith, not by fear. By faith and obedience in your love. 

Return the land you have given to us to those who love you. 

I pray that all those in high places, [Congress] not only resisting your ways, but promoting ungodly wickedness be removed and discarded once and for all and replaced with your godly selections that you have ordained since before the foundation of the world. 

I pray all policeman will be returned to their jobs and be allowed to follow through to protect their citizens.  I pray all sanctuary cities be completely  removed and replaced by godliness, your will and ways.

We ask all ungodly teachers that teach in all schools, right is wrong, and wrong is right be removed and replaced by your godly people. We ask that our history books be written in truth and all lies be done away with. We ask that shame and modesty return to our nation. Give us tender and sensitive consciences once again, always willing to stay on the narrow road. We come against all political correctness and will speak the correct word of God to their faces, that be like flint; in the name of Jesus! We will walk in boldness, we will stand up to the enemy and not back down! We will have each others back and they will know you are our God and we are your people! We will arise in this truth and never back down! We pray that all journalist who have chosen to walk with the father of lies, the accuser towards all of us be shamefully brought down, never to rise again! We ask that the whole nation would see your hand Father. Even the world. And we ask these evil people would be replaced by your godly people who would speak righteously, through grace and seasoned by your salt. Your will, not theirs. Allow us to once again to be that city upon a hill that can never be hid.  I pray a new fire would rise up in those who love you. I pray these would stand upon your word through all the testings and trials. I ask these people would be filled with the awesomeness of knowing they are your children and how you loved us first before we ever knew you. I pray they would be filled up with joy, experiencing the realization of how great you are! I pray that you would send intercessors that will pray your word for each other, for our nation. I pray you would send laborers to work the harvest and bring in these last day crops. I pray you would hear our prayers and give us the determination, love and faith to ride this tide in this time and cause our words to be magnified and multiplied billions upon billions of times as we speak and write of your love. We pray this would glorify you in every way and be pleasing in your sight. We love you Father with all of our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength and we love our neighbors as we do ourselves. We choose to esteem others above ourselves. Help us Father to follow through on these commands of love. Make us sensitive in hearing your ideas to be creative in loving. Give us the empathy and compassion to be pleasing in your sight. We ask that you would help us to retain what you teach us and the ability to bring it up within us when we need it. Remind us not to be swayed by the teachings of the world but to screen everything by your word. Sift our hearts and be rid of whatever does not bear good fruit. Our desire is to be completely ready for your Son’s return. 

Father, we are completely yours! Inside and outside! Going here, going there, we know your Spirit rides with us. We are truly joyful slaves to your will in our lives in every way. 

Thank you Father for hearing our prayers. Thank you “Abba Abba Father.”

And we pray all this in your precious son Jesus Christ, our redeemer amen.

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