Sunday, September 20, 2020

120 Trumpets !

 Visualize 120 trumpets blowing at the same time! The Hebrews were having a grand celebration as King Solomon brought his father David’s silver and gold into the newly built temple and they placed the Ark of the Covenant into the Holy of Holies. The Levities were singing and their sons and relatives were dressed in white linens. Some played cymbals, psalteries and harps. They stood at the east end of the altar and with them a 120 priests sounded the trumpets! 

The Bible continues to say that the trumpeters and the singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord. They were all unified when they said, “For He is good, for his mercy endures forever and then, the house was filled with a cloud. The cloud was considered to be the presence of God and called The Shechinah Glory. The Priests were completely overwhelmed and could not stand to minister because the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.  Rd. 2Ch.5. 

Trumpets blow for two reasons. One is for war and the other one is to celebrate the goodness and mercies of God. 

Our God has a faithful remnant who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. These are believers in Jesus Christ who are a building that is fitly framed together into a Holy Temple, in the Lord. This temple is not built by hands, not of bricks, stones or wood. Together, we are a habitation of God through His Holy Spirit. We are called a church, but one without walls. We are the walls with living organisms within; and Jesus is the Cornerstone. His Holy Spirit lives within our temples [body]. Day and night, we offer up praise and thanks for giving us His gift of grace. 

The Hebrews were full of joy and all in one accord when they sang and played their instruments. I believe they must have blown the trumpets with the power of God that day! God heard it and the glory cloud fell among them! The priests could no longer stand. The Holy Spirit moves among His people who are in unity and in one accord and this is the birth place of miracles. 

Today, many trumpets of war are blowing against the tide of evil that works to overtake those of faith. The trumpets blow to warn those who are not yet right with God, to procrastinate no longer. The trumpets blow to humble yourselves and forgive those who have offended you and to love others in the way Jesus Christ has loved you. 

Pray with me:

Precious Father,

Thank you for blowing your trumpets of truth in our hearts. Thank you for giving us your ear and answering our prayers. Thank you for the reality of your Word. Thank you for never leaving us or forsaking us. Thank you for the miracle of your love in our lives. For changing our lives, for directing us, to leading us into the narrow path and for constantly teaching us. We cannot praise you enough O Father. 

Right now, we humble ourselves as we hear those trumpets blowing in our hearts. We ask that you would forgive our complacency and our procrastination and take our willing souls and spirits to be mighty vessels of the power of your light, a lighthouse of your love that is life changing to those you send our way. We rebuke all spirits of fear and all lying spirits that would hinder your will in our lives. We move in the faith you have given to us, by the power of your Holy Spirit, by your words and the word of our testimonies. In Jesus we rejoice and ask. Amen. 

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