Saturday, January 2, 2021

2021 New Year Prayer

                                       2021 New Year Prayer

Precious Holy Father,

First, I want to give you praise for everything that has happened in the past. For all those things we only have a small measure of understanding, for it is in those things that we drawn closer to you by faith. Together, we put all of our trust in you. Thank you for sheltering us during many a crisis, for sending your Comforter, for constantly reassuring us that you are always with us. You are always here, in spite of our doubts, our upsets, our frets and worries. You understand our hearts better than we understand ourselves. Thank you for the comfort and instructions of your word. We will not take your word for granted but hold your words deep in our hearts, confessing and standing upon your truth. You are faithful and your mercies continue to be new every single morning.

Father, together we ask that your Holy Spirit would console the hearts who have lost their loved ones in 2020. We ask that through their mourning and grief, their healings would begin and they would experience your love. We ask that the word “Salvation” would bring a deeper meaning to millions of hearts that search for your meaning of truth. I ask that your godly Army would rise up in humble forgiveness and repentance to take back the land, schools, governments, places of businesses, homes and heal: broken marriages, broken hearts, broken spirits and souls, broken lives through addictions, all spiritual bondages, broken dreams, broken hopes, broken unities between families, broken hope and faith, those who have lost their businesses, a child, a parent, a friend, those who have depressions, those in despair and discouragement. We ask that you would touch every soul that reads this prayer with godly faith and belief and that you would heal all the infirmities in their physical bodies. We ask that you would give rest and hope to those who are exhausted and weary. We ask that you would teach those who are restless to be still and rest in you.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would put a fire under those who talk, yet do less, those who have a habit of  procrastinating. We ask you would harness their mouths and place them in that perfect position where they will be most effective in your Kingdom. 

Awaken the backslidden souls who once put you first in their lives. Awaken their consciences and call them out where they belong to you. We ask that you would tie them to the cross, never to leave again. We ask that the things of the world be vile in their eyes.  Awaken them to repentance and to confess your name in boldness. We thank you for that Father. 

We ask that your Holy Spirit would continue to teach us your treasures. Thank you Lord. We are privileged to be taught by you. We hold on to your insight and ask that you will give us opportunities to share our lessons to others. 

Father, we lift up all the underground churches around the world. We ask that you would continue to give them that special tenacity of faith that your first apostles had and that through the boldness in their lives, millions would come to know you. We thank you for all their prayers of love for us, overcoming obstacles of tests and the constant sharing of their testimonies. We ask you would grant them freedom to worship, sing and praise your name, to pray and teach your gospel. Set them free Father. 

I ask that this year would be the year for our nation to cease all abortions. To stop all sex-trafficking, stop teaching our children perversities and for all crooked Judges, Mayors, Senators, Congressmen, Poll workers, Teachers, All Crooked Corporations,  The Elite [Those pouring in money to takeover our nation], the Rebellious, The Violent, The corrupt Sanctuary cities, all those who have been bribed and bought to spread lies, all churches that only call themselves by your name, but do not walk in your name, All idolators, All false prophets, All false media, to step down and unable to rule or have anymore authority. We pray for justice. We pray according to your will, accountability will be served and tried.

I ask that your people such as: President Trump/Melania Trump, VP Pence/His wife, Jim Jordan, Jay Seklow, Lin Wood, Sydney Powell, Lance Wallnau, all those who are willing to step up and confess that President Trump won this election by a landslide and the corrupt have been stealing our elections. Ken K., Mario M., Steve Bannon, Greg Kelly, Lance Stinchfield and so many more who are working diligently upon your behalf and our freedom would be given new ideas, new strategies, a new bravery, a renewal of faith and hope to fight the enemies! We give you all of the credit and praise. 

I ask that you would renew their physical energies and strength to endure for what is up ahead. Keep our leaders in prime physical shape to carry on this battle. Give them the words in their heart to speak before they even come out. I ask that the fear the enemy has given to others be returned 1000 fold to them. I ask for justice. I pray for victory and that our President be returned to his office for 4 more years and be vindicated and his time even extended. Your Son said that if we ask anything in His name believing that we have it, that we will have it. We believe we have it. 

Father, I lift up Israel to you. We know Israel is the apple of your eye. We also know the true church is too. We pray for peace in that land. We pray that all their eyes who do not know you as Emmanuel would know that Jesus Christ is your son. Open their eyes soon Father. Set everyone free who calls upon your name. Keep them safe and do not allow any harm come to that nation. Thank you Father. 

I lift up all the Intercessors around the world who pray as I do, I ask you would keep them full of health, full of your word and love. I ask that you would continue to supply them with all your heavenly riches in glory. I pray that you would continue to bless these people and that when they pray it is by your Holy Spirit when they pray. Bless every one Father. Shower your grace upon these faithful people. 

In Jesus Name I pray and send this prayer. Amen. 

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