Thursday, November 18, 2021

Flowers bloom, do you?


The train chugged by the rolling hills that were ladened with bright orange and yellow flowers that were too numerous to count. Looking out of the window I thought to myself: “Could all those countless of flowers be a fraction of the blessings of God that are stored up for those, who fear and love Him?”   

How can this be, you might ask, “How can I know God, love God and fear Him too? Those who believe in God are called His children and we call Him our Father. Consider the love of a good earthly father, who will love you enough to stop you from wounding yourself. He will reprimand his child when he disobeys and so does our heavenly Father! That child will learn that when he disobeys, there will always be consequences to pay and the child will begin to think twice, before he does wrong again. A good earthly father will not allow his toddler to wander into the street to play, but teach him while he grows; there will always be physical and invisible boundaries in his lifetime. Spiritually speaking, making wise choices will keep you from sinning. If you choose over what you know to be right, instead of what you want, could actually save your life.  There are consequences in everything we do [positively or negatively] and these are a part of the benefits we reap in being a believer in Christ. Most people do not think of a Heavenly Father who corrects His people and He does this because He loves us. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes. If we do not learn the first time, we will repeat it until we do learn. This is a godly law. We are here to learn how to receive and give the love of Jesus Christ.  If we do not receive His love, how can we give His love? How can we give anything that is not inside of us? Once we begin to understand a small fraction of His love, we begin to experience what it means to be in Gods Presence. Think for a moment about being in the Presence of God. Ask yourself, “What does that mean to me?” Being in His Presence means, forgiveness, tasting and seeing the Lord is good.  Everything works for us, no; not against us. We are His children and the salt of the earth. If God is for us, who can be against us? And, it means; our Father fights our battles for us.

How great is Your goodness, Which you have stored up for those who [reverently] fear You. Which You have prepared for those who take refuge in You, Before the sons of man! In the secret place of Your Presence You hide them from the plots and conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter [pavilion] from the strife of tongues.” Psalm 31:19-20. amp. 

I want to look like one of those orange and yellow flowers blooming over the hills in His sight. They are all growing together and could be saying, “See what strength we have in our Father’s eyes. We are growing in His love.”

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for storing up goodness for us, and we take refuge in Your Presence, for we know we belong in Your will. By your Spirit, You hide us from the plots and conspiracies of man and keep us in a secret shelter from the accusers. You protect us with your heavenly angels who encamp around us. You have given us Your sword to fight off the enemy upon all levels. You have given us Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ to take authority over all the principalities and powers in high places. We confess in faith and speak Your word that has transformed our hearts, relationships, lives, given us strength and joy amidst the things we walk through. Thank You Father. We ask that You would forgive us our times of unbelief and times of careless unthinking words and we ask that You would wipe them clean from our records. We repent. We choose to look for good, speak good and do good. We choose to walk in Your Holy Spirit for He is our confidence, our guide and teacher. In Jesus name we ask, amen. 

[I wrote this before I got sick with covid-pneumonia and was sick for about 1 1/2 months. I believe I am closer to my Heavenly Father than I once was, as He never left me during that trial.]

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