Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Small morning prayer by Betty H.

 Lord, I don't feel your presence in my life this morning.  The sunshine is hiding its face behind the dark clouds rolling across the sky.  All the excitement of Jesus' birth is now over and the mundane duties and responsibilities have returned.  Come and fill me with your everlasting joy.  Use me today to encourage and uplift someone who feels alone and empty.  Open my eyes to see all the blessings surrounding me and open my ears to hear your words of love so I can share them with others.   You give me life everlasting and I want to be available to share you with another and see them step from darkness into your beautiful light that cleanses away all sin.  Help me today to see and receive all the pearls of wisdom and love you spread across my pathway and make it possible to walk in newness of life in this new year about to open.  Make your word come alive and wonderful for I ask it Jesus' name.  AMEN

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