Monday, February 28, 2022

Enemies within the church

 What in the world am I talking about?  Watch the video and you will be enlightened and please share it with your loved ones. 

I was reading this documentary this morning out of Charisma Mag. It is called "Enemies Within The Church."  They have made a video about it, but because I don't have sound yet, I cannot watch it. But I honestly believe everyone should watch it, if it is as good as the written documentary. to watch the video.  
I was appalled. Then, the Lord showed me how this is a part of the apostate church [Worldwide Church].  Please send the link to everyone, people need to be aware of the perversion in the church today and how people are leaving the truth to accept the lie.  
Tell me what you think about it.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

US Truckers peacefully protest

Monday, February 21, 2022

Small Morning Prayer

 Heavenly Father,

We give You all praise this morning. You have taught us that though we have many plans in our heart, it is Your purpose that will stand and be carried out. We thank You for continually guiding and directing us exactly where we need to be in You. Your word says that You instruct us and teach  us in the way we should go and that you counsel us [those who are willing to learn] with Your eye upon us. We are thankful. You encourage us with Your Word and encourage us that, You nullify the counsel of the nations and You make the thoughts and plans of the people ineffective. We believe this Father and this is what we ask for this morning. We ask that every evil scheme that comes from darkness be casted down and ineffective. We know it is, Your counsel stands forever Father with all Your thoughts and plans throughout all generations.  Your Word declares that a nation whose God is the Lord is blessed.  We stand upon these words this morning. 

Father, bring our nation where it should be, in the middle of Your will. Thank You for the testings and trials. Thank for making Your people a strong people.  We depend upon Your Holy Spirit to do a deep work inside of us and come forth as gold, for Your pleasure. We rest in You and have peace in You, for Your Word is truth. In Jesus we pray, amen.