Friday, April 8, 2022

Are you called to be an Intercessor?

 Ezekiel 22:30  "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gapon behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none."

Proverbs  14:1"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down"

Isaiah 21: 11, 12  "Someone calls to me from Seir,"Watcman what is left of the night?  Watchman what is left of the night?:  the watchman replies, "morning is coming but also the night...

As an intercessor I feel God has called us to be that builder of the wall, the one who stands in the gap for our family, friends, the unsaved, the sick who need healing of spirit, soul, heart, mind and /or body.  As the chosen of God to pray we should be a builder, one who seeks God's favorfor another, in our families, our friends, our church fellowhsip and surrounding communities.  We build up the wall and our house by standing in the gap for the needs,interests,and projects in our church fellowship.  I feel blessed to be called to this important aspect of ministry to the family of God.   I pray those who also feel the call to be intercessors will join this group and together storm the throne room of heaven with ferventand persistent prayer.  It is my desire for this group to be true to the call and have testimonies gloryfying the Lord Jesus.  May others see this church as an earnest, sincere and dedicated group seeking God's favor, God's promises acted out in the lives of others and the joy of serving our wonderful Saviour.  We have the opportunity to explore the powerful avenues of praising and worshipping Christ Jesus, building up the body and bringing those outside salvation into faith of eternal life with Christ.  May the reputation of selflessly seeeking the Lord on behalf of all other bring joy to the Lord and pleasure to us in fulfilling our Lords greatcommission.  As Jim Cymbala states, God is constantly searching for people to bless.  He's not looking for men and women with special talents or unusual intelligence or great stregth bu for those who possess a certain kind f heart."  This kind of heart is best demonstrated by David who had a heart after God's heart.  As intercessors our quest is to bring before the throne of God and the feet of Jesus those deep hurts and situations of others that seem hopeless or impossible to handle.

#1.  It is very important that all intercessors have a personal intimate relationship with Jesus.

#2.  It is very important that we keep ourselves transparent beore God and have no hidden sin but always give the Holy Spirit 

       time to show us those things in our life that are displeasing to God or would hinder our coming before the throne for the needs         of others.

#3.  Praise and worship our Saviour and Lord for his characteristics and faithfulness.

#4.  Bringing the Word of God before the throne as it applies to the request.

#5. We must believe that God is the maker and creator of all things and all belongs to Him.  He is able, willing, and waiting to hear             and answer our petitions.  Pray with a believing heart that the answer is forthcoming.

#6.  Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and pray according to the heart of God especially if we are not sure of the status of the               request.  God knows all needs and we can trust him to pray through us by the Holy Spirit if we give him the opportunity.

#7.  Be moved by compassion for those asking for prayer.

#8.  Be aware of the concerns and desires of the pastor's heart, the other teams needs and requests and keep all information completely within the gorup never giving out any details.

#9.  Be faithful to pray and seek the Lord if he awakens in the night and lays a request upon heart.

#10.  Realize prayer is so important for the night is almost over and daylight is coming when our time will be over to bring others into  the family and realize Christ will return soon for his own after which it will be too late for salvation to be received.

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