Monday, September 5, 2022

Small prayer of repentance

 I was walking around our porch thinking about the state of affairs not just in our nation but in many others. We in the USA are very much use to our freedoms. Freedom to walk to the store, go get an ice cream, buy a new pair of shoes, have friends over and most important; we are free to study the Bible, write about it, pray, gather together and worship, sing songs of praise any time we desire. We take it all for granted. Yes I am thankful for the ability, the tools and this freedom, but in many ways we take it all for granted. We were raised that way. 

It truly dawned on me to repent over taking our religious freedom for granted. 

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty."

I prayed. Join me if you will:

Heavenly Father,

Yes I have a thankful heart Lord, You know that; but You have shown me that I take the freedom to read your Word for granted, to study in it, to write about it, to have it in my possession. I know it is a gift from You. Forgive me for taking for granted the freedom to sing your praises, to meet with other believers and pray. I can pray any time I wish all because of Your gift.  Forgive me Father for taking all this for granted. I repent and I will never take your gift of freedom for granted again.

In Jesus I pray. Amen.

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