Wednesday, August 9, 2023

It was ALL GOD!

 I remember talking to my husband about almost a month ago on the porch and saying: "I'd like to see a miracle." I further added that I realized that anyone who has been born-again is indeed a walking miracle because how the Holy Spirit cleans up their lives and begins to teach them in the way to grow. I did not realize at the time that I would be called thousands of miles from home to an emergency with my youngest son Scott. Scott was a health guru and studied about the best herbs and minerals to take and easily examined every label on an item before he bought it. He bought organic everything and juiced everyday and he was a weightlifter. He also avoided Drs like the plague, he just didn't trust them.  About a few months ago he started to have chest pains and couldn't breathe. I suggested that he go to the Dr and find out what was causing his problem. Instead he fasted, thinking he could take care of himself. Believe me, self-diagnosing yourself is not worth it. He went to a Rapid care that told him to go to the ER. By this time, his face, head, neck and chest were swollen to the point of being unrecognized. The minute he walked into the ER the battle began. He had a team of over 20 Drs and nurses working on him. He was "led" to a world class hospital in Ca. They knew he couldn't breathe, so the first thing they did was put Childs tube down his throat, scanned him and one Dr was 100% sure what it was and time was a huge factor. He went into cardiac arrest and was revived twice. My other 2 sons were there with him. I had flown in late and came to the hospital the next morning. I cannot explain exactly all of the procedures and the steps they took but they had to "think outside of the box to save him." They gave him radiation. They put 1 tube in each thigh that each went up and by-passed his heart so he could breathe and then on the ECMO machine. There were tubes everywhere. I mean everywhere. He was diagnosed as having non-hodgkins T-cell 1 lymphoma. He had a tumor the size of a large cantelope pushing against his heart and wrapping around his air passages. He only had a small pin hole left to breathe through. I talked to many Drs and they all gave me hope. One Dr said, "We caught it in time!" Another one said, " The good news is that it is treatable and it is curable!!" There were many people praying for Scott even all over the world and also the Drs and the nurses while all this was going on. God heard our prayers. Everyday has brought significant improvement.  He had one set of chemo and will have to follow through with more treatments when he leaves the hospital. The swelling has all gone down, almost all of his tubes have been taken out, he can walk, talk and is eating solid food. The Drs and nurses come in to check on him with tears in their eyes and cannot believe how well he is doing. He is a changed man in more ways than one. As is his brothers and myself. If I thought I was close to the Lord before, it is nothing to how I am so much more closer now. If I thought I had faith before, it is nothing compared to how I feel now. One thing for sure, I will never wish to see a miracle again. I do not need that to believe. We have a God who hears our hearts sincerest cries. He listens to everything and the love He pours out cannot be described because it is a Holy Love. He will take care of you, but you must believe that He will.  Bless you all!  


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