Saturday, September 9, 2023

Pray with me

 Please pray and agree with me.

Father, Your word teaches us how people judge others and cause those same judgements to be commissioned to be upon their own heads. And this is what we agree for, we agree that what they scheme against Your righteous people [specifically former President Trump], will fall upon them. What they speak and lie against Mr Trump to fall upon them, and when they think of evil to destroy in the darkest of nights, we openly declare will be exposed and known even all over the world. We ask for accountability to come back into our land. We ask for justice. Thank You for your principles of sowing and reaping Father. We put all our trust in You Father and we all know that You have never failed us. You are our love, our only God and We give You all praise for Your Son Jesus for rescuing us out of where we once were and into Your perfect light. We rejoice in You Father! And Your word says "life and death is in the power of the tongue" and we speak life for those who love you! We speak, in His mighty name as we ask You to release Mr. Trump and set him completely free in You, so that he will give you all praise, glory and honor through Your Holy Spirit. We ask that the entire world would see Your powerful hand upon our nation. Your grace! Your mercy! And the power of Your love! We all ask and agree for godly and honest elections and we stand upon this and speak it in faith and give you all thanks ahead of time. In Jesus name, Amen.

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