Monday, August 19, 2024

One Breath Away

 For those who have been running from God. It is time for you to stop and run toward Him, 

Little do you realize how God is waiting for You to come back, return or for the first time confess your wrongs and sins and believe that Jesus is Lord. I use to think that I had to clean up my life before I returned to the God of my childhood. But that isn't the way He works. He wants you to come to him exactly the way you are. You might think: "But you don't know what I have done" "You don't know just how wicked I am." I say to you that doesn't matter. Right now you confess your sins to our Father and ask Jesus into your life and HE begins to clean you up immediately. But you must believe this. "For by GRACE you are save through faith, not by works lest anyone would boast. " God is offering you His free gift to you if you are reading these words. And, when you pray. You will receive the miracle of never being a slave to sin again! I can fully attest to this. You become a new creature in Christ! All the old goes away. But you must believe His words are true and faithful. Jesus is the only one who will never let you down. Repentance is not a bad word. His Holy Spirit will bring you through everything and never let you down. 

Pray with me now. Heavenly Father, I know I have sinned. Confess your sins______________. Please 

forgive me and come into my life. I need help Lord. Bring me through this captivity and set me free. I put

all my trust in You Father. In Jesus name I ask, Amen.

If you have prayed that prayer, find a good Bible Believing church and pick up a good Bible. Welcome

into the Body of Christ. You are loved! 

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