Monday, October 1, 2007

Who are these People called "They" anyway?

Who are these people called “They” anyway?
Ok, I give up, who are these people called “they” anyway? Me thinks, they are like ants and are everywhere we go and look. Some are obviously in the media and “they” are always telling us things “they” feel we should believe, even if it is true or not, because, after all “they” said so.
Haven’t we heard, “well, they said so,” please do tell me, what makes “they” so important and why do we put such a high value on “they” anyway?
The Doctor said, “they” feel it would be better if “they” did it this way instead of the other way. There! I’ve said it again, the dreaded word “they.”
I must paint my walls a haze gray or a blah beige, because if I do it a wild and happy violet, “they” won’t like it. Good grief, what would “they” say anyway, if I wore jeans to church? Older women shouldn’t allow their hair to grow down to their knees because “they” wouldn’t like it.
If I say the wrong thing, boy, I could get into big trouble, because, “they” sure wouldn’t like me then! In fact, I am certain, “they” would misunderstand me completely.
Here’s the scoop. I’ve decided to take the word “they” out of my vocabulary and throw “they” into the gulf for safe keeping and just let the fish have a free feast. And you know what? It doesn’t matter if “they” like it or not, because “they“ won‘t be around to grumble at me anymore.

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