I do alot of thinking while I am lying down and as I see the political verbage going on today; I have come to this conclusion:
Why are Christians trying to change the world? Why are we pointing fingers at them and their sins? I'll be honest with you, we Christians are the most judgemental people I have ever met. The world has an excuse, but we do not.
Homosexual marriages? Most believers are against this, but the world is going to do it anyway. Can you stop the world from sinning? Why are "we" having such a fit over this? If they do not know the Lord, how can they even think of having a "holy marriage" anyway! Why are we so self rightously outraged? If they do not belong to the Body of Christ, why are we pointing our fingers like this? If we are so headstrong about this, why aren't we in the bars evangelizing?
Partial birth abortion? I don't know any believer who is for this atrocity. But truthfully, what is the difference in giving orders to go to Iraq or Iran (many times to test our latest weapons) and bomb homes, hospitals, schools where there are innocent people and babies. Let's face it, sin is sin. If you've broken one commandment, you've broken them all. Ask yourself if you've ever broken a commandment? That is what the Word says. God says there isn't any difference, but Christians put sin on different levels. This one is worse than that one etc. That is the way we think, and we cannot help it, because so many of us become "relgious". In doing it, we actually are putting God on our level. How small our minds really are.
Granted, we've crossed the line along time ago; accepting the things that the "supreme" court brings down. The world is going to do that. We grow side by side with them. The wheat and the tares. Can you actually see the difference? When you look at wheat, can you tell that it isn't a tare? Or, has the wheat taken on such an appearnance of the world through their thinking and actions that you just cannot tell anymore?
We blast away at the present candidates faults and make lists of how liberal they are and bombard others with these emails. Is this really Christian? Didn't God say "love always thinks good?" The main truth is, they all have faults and are going to make mistakes. What is worse, a candidate professing God and being a wolf in sheeps clothing or one who doesnt talk about his faith? Everyone believes differently and sees things differently. This is why there are so many interpetations of the Word. Either way, the Christians are going to judge and judge. When we do this, how are we different than the world? We aren't.
There are a lot of things I am against with both the present candidates. The world will put in who they want. I am not even sure a revolution would be able to stop the way the states are going. But one thing we know, God is still in control and in order and does things for our good. Can you believe that?
Whatever cup we drink from is the nourshment we recieve. Isn't it time we cleaned up our own act?
Jesus sat with the tax payers and the publicans and drank wine and ate with them. Who accused him of being a sinner? The relgious people of the day! The hyprocrites accused him of being a wine bibber and a glutton. They just refused to see the planks in their own eyes. They had a throttle on God. Do we really have the authority to point fingers? Jesus said for us not to judge anyone before our time. He said, "judge not, lest ye be judged."
I don't know about you, but I've discovered that when we judge another, we end up doing the very thing we just judged another about. Even when we judge by our thoughts. Then, we ourselves are judged by another. What a tangled web we weave for ourselves. It is called "reaping and sowing" and you know about those godly principles.
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