Let the Rain Fall
We pray for rain and when it comes we hear moans and groans. I say let the rain fall. How could we appreciate the sun if the rain never falls? Our character cannot grow without the rain falling, but we’d be as dried up as old prunes without the rain. There is just something rich about a good rain. Ever notice how your flowers perk up as if to say “this is exactly what I needed, boy, do I ever feel alive today!” With this attitude they promptly put out a new light green shoot that otherwise wouldn’t have come upon this most enticing scene. Yes, of course all of your pet plants communicate just like we do, only differently. They say so much and yet without all the mumbo jumbo that fills our daily yarn. Right about now you could be asking yourself how plants communicate? Good question. As I briefly described in the above is one of the ways. Another way is when a plant needs rain, you can see it begin to shrivel into a lifelessness dull entity of thirst. Observation is the key to understanding the plant kingdom. And, doesn’t that also work with people as well? Aren’t we supposed to care enough to listen with our hearts?
Rain can be good, as long as there isn’t too much…then we find ourselves drowning in a good thing. If it makes the roots of a plant weak and begin to literally rot and able to fall over, what does too much of a good thing, do to people? Do they fall over too? I think so. All we have to do is look at some of the sad lives of the famous people we use to love, such as Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Janis Joplin. They had it all. Lots and lots of rain, but they couldn’t deal with it. All they wanted was love. I bet Elvis would have gone back to his truck driving days in a minute to find someone who would have just loved him for who he was, not for his name or what he could give them. They say he was very close to his mother. Perhaps he discovered his mother was the only person he was able to trust and would not take advantage of him. Maybe Marilyn just wanted a man to love her for who her spirit was, not for her body. Judy was seeking love too and felt there was no more hope when she took her life. The basis of most people who take their lives is the belief that no one really cares or understands their hurt. No one loves them and they give up. They have lost their hope. If they had hope inside of their heart, they would be able to be revived. Yet, there were those who saw the life of goodness inside of these people and really loved them. Did they hear a recording over and over in their mind filling their minds with lies? Can we learn from these people?
I think we can learn from everything if our spirit is sensitive enough to be still and listen to what it is saying. We turn a deaf ear to the things we do not wish to hear and try to ignore the truth when it makes us uncomfortable, until like the plants getting too much water, we begin to fall from having too much rain. One of the biggest life lessons I have discovered is to be thankful for what you already have and enjoy where you are at the moment. If you have too much, how can you have a thankful heart? If you do not have a thankful heart, how can you be happy? How can you enjoy the moment, because you will always be reaching for something and not know what true love means? The world will always tell you to put yourself first, but that isn’t the real path toward happiness. If you place others first, you will discover your kindness will come back to you in multiples and unexpectedly too. It will be like needing rain and just knowing that the exact amount will be sent in the perfect time.
One of the greatest things we can do in our lives is to honestly care for other people and become a giver in everyway we possibly can be. We will experience joy, love and so much more. We shouldn’t have too much of a surplus of things when we look around at those in need. Yes, we really are our brother’s keeper.
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