Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do Not Judge

Do not Gossip


        Not one person walking on the face of the earth isn’t guilty of judging another person because we are a people who have taught ourselves to assume. We assume the car will once again start up and get us to the store, or assume our friend will take us to the Doctor when we need it or we assume a person is no good because of those who choose to uncaringly blast away; defiling a reputation online, on the telephone or by night together with a friend. Do you know what actually happens when we choose to tear someone’s reputation down? We may as well as shoot them, instead of killing them slowly by our words because that is what we are doing to their character. When we choose to agree with those who wholeheartedly tear another person down, we become what they are. Your response could be, “well it is true.” Who said this and did you ever ask why would they choose to defame another’s character? -And-  Does this mean the people who are exposing scandalous truth or lies are innocent themselves? In that, they haven’t ever done any wrong that they can point and whisper nuggets of filth ?  Does it really matter if it is true or not?  Aren't we supposed to believe in the best in others and love and pray for our enemies? Are we not supposed to “overcome evil with good?”  Not evil for evil!

            Every single word that we speak against another person is being recorded and will be brought back upon your head. The Bible is true when it says “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And, why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam in your own eye? Or, how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine eye?  Thou hyprocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”  Mt. 7:1-5KJV

           Who is faultless, that they can throw stones at other people? 
            So many times what we seen in another person is only a reflection of our own accusing evil heart. Do you remember who is the accuser? When we accuse, do you realize who you have aligned yourself up with? You are your own worse enemy. As you speak you sentence yourself.

            If you have a colorful reputation and if you are speaking against others you are only throwing kindling for fuel upon your own character. 

            As if that isn't enough warning, St Paul says: “Therefore you have no excuse or defense or justification, O man, whoever you are who judges and condemns another. For in posing as judge and passing sentence on another you condemn yourself, because you who judge are habitually practicing the very same things (that you censure and denounce).  But we know that the judgment (adverse verdict, sentence) of God falls justly and in accordance with truth upon those who practice such things. And do you think or imagine, O man, when you judge and condemn those who practice such things and yet do them yourself, that you will escape God’s judgment and elude His sentence and adverse verdict? Or, are you (so blind as) to trifle with and presume upon and despise and underestimate the wealth of His kindness and forbearance and long enduring patience? Are you unmindful or actually ignorant ( of the fact) that god’s kindness is intended to lead you to repent-to change your mind and inner man to accept God’s will? But by your callous stubbornness and impenitence of heart you are storing up wrath and indignation for yourself on the day of wrath and indignation, when God’s righteous judgment (just doom) will be revealed. For He will render to every man according to his works-justly, as his deeds derserved: (Ps.62:12)  Romans 2:1-6 Amplified.
            No matter how you put it, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”  Mt.12:35-37KJV

            What in the world are we putting in our hearts for others to see and hear such slanderous overflow? Jesus was talking to the religious people of the day because He hated their hypocrisy. They felt threatened of Jesus and the miracles He preformed. They criticized everything that He would do, and twisted his words and miracles, speaking evil of Him because of the jealousies that over flowed from their hearts. You may say you aren't “religious” but does that omit you from tearing up others by what you are allowing to come into your heart? As I see it; whether a person is guilty or not guilty happens not to matter because we haven’t been given the right to have a gavel in our hand and pass judgment over them.

            When a person passes judgment they become both Judge and jury as they declare their words to be true and pass sentence upon another. It is automatically assuming the person is guilty. There are many websites that exaggerate the truth about a person, because they have learned the depths of the perverted cravings of an evil heart. You could say, “They embellish the truth” a little bit.  Then, we have the sensationalism of the media on television that have discovered that hyperbole and false implications bring higher ratings and that means more money at the expense of another’s character.
            Every time a person opens up their mouth, whether it is in writing like I am doing now or texting another, email or using a telephone will bring a blessing or cursing upon their own head. Our words are extremely powerful, they change lives; our own lives as well. I choose blessings not curses. We have a choice.

            When a person is continually passing judgment, they envelope an “angry heart” and walk in un-forgiveness and bitterness. They cannot see the light from the shadows from where they are encased. Many have chosen to leave their first love and seek after other gods. Other gods cannot bring you joy but a curse that imprisons you and becomes locked by the words you have spoken to others. 

            The jealousy of school bullies pass judgment over a newcomer and they begin to spread vicious gossip or beat them up in the school bathroom or on the way home. Many times the victim cannot deal with such persecution and commits suicide. Jealousy kills in more way than one. Instead of seeing a good in a person, they pick on another individual and magnify anything inside the innocent party that they can deem as wrong, when it is their own jealous hearts that need correction. Their own insecure hearts betray their low self image and their own self hatred, yet;  they are not able to reprogram their minds into a better way of life, one of love and kindness. 
I congratulate you if you have read this far of my message. I hope I have struck some kind of cord inside of you so that when you speak, you speak blessings upon those who you disagree with [that can be a challenge at times ]  and take the time to see their side of the situation too.  Life is just too short to continually see the negatives in life. Someone like that reminds me of a mule I met a long time ago. Mules are made by a horse and a donkey. Two mules cannot make another mule because they are hybrids and cannot procreate  “after their kind” according to the book of Genesis. Therefore if you wanted another mule, you go back to breeding the horse and donkey. Besides all of that yarn, this young mule we were looking at was the most ornery, stubborn brat I had ever seen in my life! He would nurse his mother then kick her. She was just too patient with him. The owner said, “Everyday of my life when I walk out to the barn I know I’m going to have a fight on my hands.”  How would you like to live every day knowing that you will have a battle on your hands because of the stubbornness of someone who demands their own way like the mule? We walked away that day and never considered bringing that brat home to live with us. The mule was determined to get control and stay in control from the owner and his mother. That is what disobedient people want, they want to get control of all those around them and run their lives by what they have gathered up in their hearts and by what they “know” is right. God’s Word does not enter into the picture, because they give no heed to it. Unless there is a time of trouble and then; everyone wants prayer. 

            Like I said from the beginning there isn't anyone who is not guilty of assuming and then passing on unjust words about another person. Not one of us are innocent, but we can repent and turn from a habit that we have nurtured and left to grow like weeds for many years. It is up to you and anyone else who has chosen this lifestyle. 

            Judging is related to jealous gossip and we know that gossip kills character. Believers are not to have the character of gossip or be named as such. 

            If I knew that everything I said against someone would come upon my head and be spoken about me, I would race to get right with God and ask for forgiveness and help to change and clean up my grubby jealous heart.

            As for when a leader has fallen into sin [whether it is in an unknown church or a worldwide known assembly] ; most believers are aware that, this is why we have those whom their actions must be held accountable and it is dealt within that particular Body of Christ [ church ]. They deal with the problem scriptually, not those who have written the worldly tabloids who exaggerate for monetary gain. Unfortunately there are those who believe every bit of garbage that is printed and cannot wait to repeat the scandals. This is not of God. 

            I believe the Body of Christ needs to use wisdom especially in this area. Let those who are held accountable, be held accounted!  But, do not slander their names. Gossip is slander. Who of us haven't tripped along the way in this walk? I can throw scriptures twice as quick as anyone, but that does not make me righteous; it is only by His grace that I am here. As we judge, we will be judged because we really do reap what we sow. 

            The power of God changes hearts, there isn't anything you have done or said that cannot be forgiven and reversed. Nothing is too small or too big for our God. He cares for every speck of worry that you deal with day in and out. He sees it all and just waits for you to call upon Him. If you have fallen, pick yourself back up and repent; ask forgiveness.  

            It is good to know, we still have a chance to get right, do right and think right while we are still  drawing our breath. 


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