Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sometimes it is One Rain Drop at a Time

Forgiving Once Again

          Over and over the Holy Spirit gently continues to nudge us about the value and obedience of forgiving those whom have hurt us. People become hurt by those who make selfish decisions and this affects everyone around them, especially their loved ones and it is the loved ones who become spawned with the pain of reliving those memories in their mind, until they decide to give it up and let it go once and for all. So many of us have been hurt in such unthinking and callous ways, we would ask how we could even begin to release the pent up anger into a forgiving decision.
Forgiveness is for someone who desires to become strong in their life. To stay unforgiving is to stay angry and weak, nurturing that sore until it festers into a big open wound for everyone to see. They will see what is in your heart by the expressions on your face. Those little secret thoughts that we harbor at times, aren’t really secret when you realize that everything we think about eventually ends up on our face. Our eyes begin to tell on us, as you know; they are the windows of the soul.  The truth is, if you are a Christian; you already know there isn’t an option to forgiveness. There are times when we have to work it through. One of the best and wisest solutions that has helped me over the years is to think about my own heart and what I have harbored there at times and think about how I am guilty myself of hurting other people. Did you know a sly remark or a wrong look can hurt someone? We can hurt people every day without realizing it, but few people will come up to you and tell you how you made them feel so ugly inside. And, on it goes; they in return have to work out their own forgiveness towards you.
If you are on planet earth and have breath, you will know the pain of rejection, the pain of being lied to and the pain of betrayal. The more you trusted in that person the deeper the hurt will be and after the dust has settled, you will have to deal with the anger and unforgiving heart that you developed. No, life just isn’t fair but you can begin to be as gentle as a dove, strong enough to spit nails and wise enough to start to look past the others sin. I say, “train yourself to look past the other’s sin, so they will look past yours.” 
If you have found yourself in an impossible situation where forgiveness is out of the question such as abuse. My advice to you is to get physically out of that situation and begin to work on forgiving one rain drop at a time. Before you know it, you will experience how free and clean you will feel by the washing of the water and the word. 

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