Thursday, June 19, 2014

We are never alone

Have you ever given thought of the magnificence of our Father God? He is like the waves upon the waters that keep rolling upon the beach like clockwork, every single day. He is faithful beyond measure. How can our words describe such a merciful God who reads men’s hearts and knows our hidden motives, but He chooses to continually forgives us, if we humble ourselves and ask. He sees all those conscience mind-bending baggage that we wrestle with from day to day. You know what I am talking about, those things we sometimes march in circles over; and still have trouble letting go. Yet, we look up and see His arms continually open to us, embracing us right when we need it. We listen closely and we hear the name of Jesus whispering to our soul. We feel the warm touch of sunshine upon our cheeks and the salt spray that we smell and we are reminded of the Precious Holy Spirit always here, guiding us, directing us, teaching us and then; He takes us by our hand and rejoicing with us while on this journey.   

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Be Generous! Pray for those who need you!

Pray with faith extending the hope that is in your heart and watch it come back around to you!

The Reality of His Word

"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord." 
Proverbs 21:30

In knowing the reality of this truth, now; will you trust me says the Lord? In knowing these words are anointed and from your Father can you rest and not worry? Will you give it all to me once and for all? Nothing that comes against me will succeed and I defend those who love me.

A Word Fitly Spoken is like Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver. Pr. 25:11

Everyone needs to hear a good word of encouragement. So many times, those around you can see your hearts cry better than you can and when they speak, listen; because they can be used by The Holy Spirit to give you direction and to heal your soul.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

We are Motivated by His Love

The Holy Spirit requires us to activate our love in faith. When love and faith is at the helm; you hear His voice. Do not worry about tomorrow, look what God has already brought you through. The waters may have been deep, but you swam channels to sandbars and never gave up. Only by my Spirit says the Lord!  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Touch Hearts Lord!

Fall into the Arms of Christ! 

This picture amply describes my experience when I returned to the God of my childhood. My life was spent! I had nothing left. I was tired of trying to fix my life when it wasn't working. I finally bowed and got upon my knees and threw myself at the mercy of our loving Father. He had never left me. Though there were times when I was rebellious, He was always with me. He graciously and lovingly opened up his arms and welcomed me back home. Do not give your life another thought, but return to God now, while there is still time and hope in your heart. 

Small prayer:
Oh Heavenly Father,  Thank you for always being there when I wasn't. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to usher me back to where I belong. Help me to be all I can for you Lord and I ask that you would touch all the hearts who read these words. Strengthen them and help them as you guide them in their lives. Manifest yourself in their lives that would increase their faith and heal their bodies so they would be able to give hope to everyone around. Thank you Father, in your son, amen. 

The Eagle weeps and cannot sleep

He cries in the wilderness, and cries in the streets!

“Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.“ 1 John 4:7,8

Oh where did my love go? Why have you left your first love? Why have you forsaken me, says the Lord?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sweet sweet Holy Spirit

We are never alone. Though there are times we may feel alone and empty. We have God's glorious Holy Spirit that watches over us. He speaks to us. He teaches us and guides us while we are here. He enraptures the very love of Jesus Christ into our souls; by one simple breath. We cannot lose. 

Shhh Slow Down and Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying

It is time to listen. Listen and hear what the Spirit is saying to your soul. Be quiet. You cannot hear Him unless you are still. Unless you are in that quiet place of rest where healing takes place. Be still and know I am God says the Lord. Be still and trust in me. 

We Are Our Brother's Keeper

There are times when we just do not want to get out of our comfort zone and take care of those who need us, but; Jesus did. There are times when we give into our own selfish hearts and take things for ourselves, but Jesus did not. Jesus always gave to other's first, to those around Him and then; He gave Himself to the world.