Thursday, June 19, 2014

We are never alone

Have you ever given thought of the magnificence of our Father God? He is like the waves upon the waters that keep rolling upon the beach like clockwork, every single day. He is faithful beyond measure. How can our words describe such a merciful God who reads men’s hearts and knows our hidden motives, but He chooses to continually forgives us, if we humble ourselves and ask. He sees all those conscience mind-bending baggage that we wrestle with from day to day. You know what I am talking about, those things we sometimes march in circles over; and still have trouble letting go. Yet, we look up and see His arms continually open to us, embracing us right when we need it. We listen closely and we hear the name of Jesus whispering to our soul. We feel the warm touch of sunshine upon our cheeks and the salt spray that we smell and we are reminded of the Precious Holy Spirit always here, guiding us, directing us, teaching us and then; He takes us by our hand and rejoicing with us while on this journey.   

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