Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Touch Hearts Lord!

Fall into the Arms of Christ! 

This picture amply describes my experience when I returned to the God of my childhood. My life was spent! I had nothing left. I was tired of trying to fix my life when it wasn't working. I finally bowed and got upon my knees and threw myself at the mercy of our loving Father. He had never left me. Though there were times when I was rebellious, He was always with me. He graciously and lovingly opened up his arms and welcomed me back home. Do not give your life another thought, but return to God now, while there is still time and hope in your heart. 

Small prayer:
Oh Heavenly Father,  Thank you for always being there when I wasn't. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to usher me back to where I belong. Help me to be all I can for you Lord and I ask that you would touch all the hearts who read these words. Strengthen them and help them as you guide them in their lives. Manifest yourself in their lives that would increase their faith and heal their bodies so they would be able to give hope to everyone around. Thank you Father, in your son, amen. 

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