Monday, July 7, 2014

What are You saying Lord?

When the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart, can you hear what He is saying? Do you know why He is saying this to you? How exactly do you hear God’s voice? He speaks to believers individually in ways we will listen and hear.

I was thinking about the ways I personally hear what God is saying in my life and the most important way is when I prayerfully read and study the Bible. I do what I call “pray reading,” which is talking to the Holy Spirit while I am searching.  Especially if I am seeking a particularly subject such as: Wisdom. The verses pertaining to that subject seem to leap out at me. After awhile, I’ll then, take a walk and begin to think or meditate upon what I have read. When we meditate upon something we have read, the truth goes deep inside of us to be used later.  While I am meditating in my mind putting a couple of verses together; the revelation will come followed by an overwhelming captivating joy. Instead of walking, I’ll find myself almost bouncing with a dance over the light of knowledge that has embraced my thoughts.

Another way the Holy Spirit talks to me is through people. I like to listen to hear what other people are saying. When that happens I have an automatic filter called discernment that catches any grime or grit that doesn't belong in my heart. I listen and catch – or I listen and keep. If I catch, then; I discard shortly afterwards and it is never to be thought of again. If I keep the message, I know God is speaking to me through that person.

The Holy Spirit can use anyone to give a simple sentence of instruction and encouragement and the words will lift your heart and you will know beyond doubt that you have heard from God. I cannot count the times this has happened to me.  

The Holy Spirit also talks to me through His creation.  God communicates His deep love to me through my pets! All eyes communicate.

We can always tell if a dog has done something wrong by his eyes, and his body language. His eyes cannot look at us. When all is well, their adoring eyes swallow us up with their love. They love us unconditionally. Only God can create a dog that will still love you, when you have been busy for hours and not said a word to him. Even when we want to sit where our cat has been snoozing for hours and push them out of their seat, there are no hard feelings; although they might look it at the time. Cats understand and accept.

The Holy Spirit communicates so many ways to us and most of the time He is saying:

“I love you.” 

“I love you too much to let you go.”

"I love you so much I want you to learn this.”


“I am going to show you how easy it is for me to supply all your needs without you even asking.”
The Holy Spirit knows how we respond when we hear Him. When tomatoes and potatoes came up in our yard this year that we had not even planted; I rejoiced and gave God all the glory and praise! I saw the direct divine link!

I would like to encourage you to be sensitive and learn how you can hear God’s voice. Sometimes, the voice can be through your parents, spouse, Pastor, neighbor, friend or stranger.
Sometimes, He will say:
“Seek me and learn about me.”

When we seek God, we find Him! The closer we draw to Him, the closer He comes to us! 

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