Monday, July 14, 2014

Your Specialized DNA Anger

We Just Blow it Sometimes!

Unless you have Kool-Aid in your veins for blood, we all blow it occasionally. Have 
you ever noticed how we all have what I call “specialized events” in our lives that come from our own internalize revenue factors. For example:  No one actually makes us angry unless we allow it to happen. On that same course, no one made us say things in a way we shouldn’t have, except we ourselves; unless of course you were tied up and tortured in which everyone will understand because we’d all do the same thing if we were in your shoes. The truth is:  We make ourselves angry by the programmed response inside of us.

Where is your specialized DNA anger?  

Where does your heart bleed?

Some examples of this:

Do you become irate; when you see animals abused and mistreated and find you cannot sleep at night over the injustice?

Please let me shake your hand, because; your work is called to be God’s healer of His creation.  Whether it be a Veterinarian or giving a loving home to them, to minister God’s love and kindness upon those animals not only blesses them, but everyone around. Such a worker can never be made light of or minimized; for without these tender individuals our earth would be totally doomed.

Our anger can propagate a crop of goodness; once you discern where your toil is in the field. What keeps upsetting you can be the feast that nourishes your soul's greatest reward. We overcome these obstacles by listening to what we have stored in our hearts. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Ps. 119:11 

Ask yourself why did I get so angry over that?

Since we have programmed ourselves to be impatient, whether we are driving on the highway, standing in lines or have trouble listening and keep interrupting to speak, it works both ways; perhaps the speaker does not allow the other person to say a word, then the both of you are guilty; the Holy Spirit wants you to be a producer of patience so you can give it away to others. Everything He gives us is not to keep for ourselves. We have to learn patience. Remember how patience comes? Through trials and tribulations!  

I think I smell the burning of flesh right about now.

Anger always tells us something about ourselves, but are we listening? Most of the time we go around in circles and nothing is done unless, finally; anger leads the way to do something about what keeps offending you!

Anger can be the catalyst that leads the way to freeing people from injustice and the perversity of power. God uses His people to liberate and continue to bring in the Kingdom of God upon the earth. All it takes is the prayers pursued by the obedience of one person. 

If one person can manipulate others to take prayers and the Bible out of school then; one person can bring them back! By faith, one person can go to Washington and reverse the decision of Roe vs Wade. All it takes is moving by faith upon your “righteous indignation.”

Our DNA has been graphically designed to be placed in a specialized position just for us. There will always be a single - one - YOU!

Without taking a biochemistry course, I briefly looked up one of the legal definitions. The initials DNA scientifically means:

1. (Biochemistry) deoxyribonucleic acid; a nucleic acid that is the main constituent of the chromosomes of all organisms(except some viruses). The DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide chains in the form of a double helix, containingphosphate and the sugar deoxyribose and linked by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases adenine andthymine or cytosine and guanine. DNA is self-replicating, plays a central role in protein synthesis, and is responsible forthe transmission of hereditary characteristics    from parents to offspring. 
Spiritually speaking of course, I have developed my own interpretation because I believe we are a people who are:

D – Deliberately detailed

N – An intricate Network of miracles

A – Assembled and activated for God’s purpose and plan

There is a detailed deliberation upon your life that involves a crossing over into a deeper realm of truth. This requires obedience and faith.

Once you cross over, your new level of faith will be activated by your love in Christ and you will be determined to move that mountain! Be strong! Be smart and use what has been given to you to help be the instrument that blows the trumpet in these days!


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