Sunday, August 16, 2015

No Greater Love!

Coming home from a visit with my oldest son and his family, I was thinking how much I loved him and all my grown sons. I can easily understand the depth of a mother’s love. We will do anything for our children, no matter their age. When the parents get a little age on them, they gather a great deal of contentment and joy when they look into the face, of the one they once held in their arms when they were a baby. No matter the ages, no matter the distance or the era in time;  a mother will always be a mother first and foremost and her thoughts will continue to think for the good of her offspring.

If then, we have such a deep love for those we have nurtured and even continue to think of ways we can bless them after we have passed over; can we possibly try to grasp an inkling of understanding of the magnitude of the greatness of God’s love for us? He loved us before we even knew Him! He loved us while we were knee deep in our sins. As much as I love my children, I know in my heart I could never sacrifice one of them for the world. But, our Father God did exactly that, as He knew the whole picture! He saw men’s deceitful hearts that were addicted to the darkness of sin.  When Jesus went to the cross, every past depraved sin we can ever imagine was covered and washed by His blood!

God’s love can be compared to a mother hen’s love as she gather’s her chicks close and under her wings. The mother hen will fight any foe that would try to harm her chicks, if she must.

God did not put restrictions on your blood-line, your gender, the color of your skin, nor where you came from! Nor does it matter how you were raised or if you happened to raise yourself. He knew we are all a bunch of defunks without Him in our lives! Money cannot buy this gift of salvation, neither can walking upon coals, seeking answers  in astrology or just “being a good person.”

God’s love is offered to us gift wrapped, called Grace. We will never deserve this gift, but there are a few things He calls us to do.

Pray with a humble heart. Be honest with yourself when you pray.

First we must believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and was sent by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be a complete sacrifice for our sins. We must recognize that we have sinned, then; confess those sins to God, asking for forgiveness. If you are holding anything against anyone forgive them, else your sins will not be forgiven.

 “There is no greater love than this: that a person would lay down his life for the sake of his friends.” John 15:13 Aramaic Bible

“Here God demonstrates his love for us, because if when we were sinners, The Messiah died in our place,” Romans 5:8 Aramaic Bible

“And who was handed over because of our sins; and he arose to justify us.” Romans 4:25 Aramaic Bible

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I accept and believe that Jesus Christ is your son and was sent upon my behalf so I can have forgiveness of my sins. I realize I am a sinner and have sinned greatly. I confess these sins to you: (confess your sins here.)
I repent from all these sins.
I choose to forgive those who have offended me: (name those who have offended you here)
My desire is to be born again and become that new creature in your son. I ask all this in faith believing that Jesus in Lord.
In Jesus Name amen

Find a Bible believing Church and meet those that have accepted Jesus as their Savior and study your Bible so you can grow into a strong believer and be ready for His 2nd coming!
God Bless You!


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