Tuesday, March 8, 2016

If it is of God....then it is unstoppable

Good Morning,
Spring is upon our doorstep. I looked down from the porch and saw some tiny pansies declaring this jubilee. The woods, the creeks, the mountains and all the creatures are busy getting ready for this new season. God's creation is unstoppable. I believe it is His hand that causes the water to gush into a waterfall. I am reminded if something is from God we will not be able to stop it. Pensively, I thought, things either come from God, men or the dark forces that many deny. Too many times, we bring our Father God down to our level because of our lack of faith and understanding. Who is able to grasp His vastness, His power and all knowing character? His intense mercy and love? He is the reader of men's hearts. He knows our motives before we get out of bed. He knows our fears and above all, He says; "do not fear." Put your trust in Him! 
Become bold for the Lord! 
Let's pray:
Heaven Father,
You truly see every inch of our motives, our weaknesses, our hearts yearnings. It is by your Spirit that we are led and by your Spirit that we are healed. Your Spirit opens up the truth we need to give us understanding in the natural realm, the mental realm and the spiritual realm. We ask you today for you to fill us up where we need to be filled. Where we are weak, send us your messenger to strengthen our souls. Where we are in denial of your truth we ask that we experience your truth in a deep everlasting way that would deliver us from this error. Help us to replace any unforgiveness with the power and grace of your love. Give us the wisdom Father to know how to de-stress ourselves from the world that surrounds our lives. You have called us to peace, not anger or anguish. We deliberately choose to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. Thank you Father.
In your Son's Precious name Jesus.
“The Rose” by Gualberto107. Available to download free or purchase in high resolution at www.freedigitalphotos.net

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