Sunday, March 27, 2016

Rejoice this day and be glad!

It is by no mistake that Jesus the Messiah was resurrected on Easter Morning. Those that mocked and tortured him became weaponless and put to shame.

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col. 2:15 niv

After Jesus was resurrected, He was seen by over 500 people as he preached to them. He went through walls, yet Thomas was able to put his fingers in the nail prints of his hands. He cooked and ate fish upon the beach. Jesus the Son of God, was victorious in every way. 

Every small seed that is planted and reaches up toward the sun to have this new birth is by the power of a Holy God. All this authority was given to His son Jesus, as He overcame the torturous agony of the cross that heals the many scars we have today. Scar tissue is not a bad thing. It is proof that you have lived your life and become seasoned to bring joy and love through the gifts The Holy Spirit has given to you. 

Rejoice with me this day! 

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for sending your son to give us freedom and life. We thank you and praise you for your love. We rejoice today for the gift of grace you’ve given to us. Help us to be sensitive and discerning to those around us. Help us to see and think good in others, but have your wisdom to make the right decisions that will glorify you. We love you Lord!

In Jesus Amen 

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