Sunday, October 16, 2016

The last enemy to go is death!

I sometimes think about how death will be swallowed up in victory!  Once and for all gone! No more! Think about that! The very last enemy here on earth, that will be destroyed is death. This is why we mourn when we lose our loved ones! We know in our hearts, death is wrong! We’ve been living with it for so long, we’ve accepted death as a way of life.  Originally, death was not the way our day to day living was intended to be as death came through one man, through the disobedience of Adam. 

Who has not lost a loved one while here? Who of us haven’t shed miles of heartfelt tears of remorse and secretly wished upon their beds, that they could have done something, anything to prolong their lives and keep them close for just a little while longer? Perhaps the thoughts of a past glance, across the table and once again to have another cup of coffee that is stirred with each others love?   

I have good news! Just as by one disobedient man came death, so in Christ Jesus shall all be made alive! The Bible says every man in his own order.  Think about this: Is not everything synchronized? The very seeds we plant come up in perfect timing and they bloom as was planned. 

For us to have life, we all must first die. I am not talking about a physical death. When we accept Jesus, our old self is crucified so that we are no longer a slave to sin! Can you imagine this just for a moment! That very same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of you!  We have resurrection power!  We become Joint-heirs in Christ.

We go about our daily chores and go to work, take care of our children and talk to each other on our phones. All the while we do not give a thought about such a power residing inside of us. This power works a holy refining and sifting inside of us and speaks to us throughout our lives in a pure and loving way that can be understood by each individual. As you draw closer to Him, He draws closer to you. You could say, the Holy Spirit customizes the way He teaches each and every soul that reaches out to Him. 

The physical deaths that we experience on earth could be a paralleled example to what  happens when we are born again. The old is indeed gone! The old me and you are no more! They have been buried in Christ! Jesus took it all to the cross!  We are alive in Christ! A brand new Creature! We have new eyes and see everything differently. We hear new things. Everything has become new!  We have even been given new hearts!

Will you pray with me?

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for always being here, even when our minds are absent. We thank you for your never ending mercies, love and deep understanding. You know us better than we know ourselves. We choose to put all of our trust in you, our visions and our goals. We ask that your Holy Spirit would continue to guide us and direct us in the way we should go. We ask that our faith please you, as we do it all unto you Lord.  I ask Father that your Spirit would minister to those who take the time to read these words. Heal the hearts that need healing, give them the strength to see that through it all your hand is still upon them. Return them to the joy of their salvation. Remind them that they have “the garment of praise for the Spirit of Heaviness.”  I ask that loneliness would be replaced by the Word of your Love. That the need for understanding would come in unexpected ways that would ignite their spirits once again to reproduce inspiration for all those around. 

We ask this in Jesus name,

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. “  1Co. 15:51,52

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