Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What is in your heart?

I have been hesitant to write about such a subject,  but feel I must carry them out. There are those in the Body of Christ who have been quick to judge Mr. Trump’s past because of the vulgar things he has said and done 11 years ago. I speak to you today.  What is hidden in your life? Your past agenda? Would your past vulgar expressions and actions shock many who know you today? What about 20 - 30 or more years ago? Perhaps only 5 years ago? Maybe it has been only a week ago?  The point I am trying to make is: Who is anyone of us, to rise up and be judge and jury over this man? Everyone one of us have a past. The most seemingly holiest person we know has a past in one way or another. If we say we do not have a past, believe me when I say this; in one form or another you are in the middle of creating your past, presently. 

Do you understand how I can say this? 

Because of what the Bible says: “It says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”   Ro. 3:23  Furthermore, “there is none righteous, not even one! “  Ro. 3:10

You might think, “ I’ve been good and I’ve never said or done anything to hurt anyone else in my life.”  Is that  really true? Then, you are blind to your prideful thoughts. Pride will lie to you and cause you to be completely blind to the truth until you trip and fall. Pr. 29:23  Sometimes we fall and go down so we will finally look up and see the truth. Much later, when you think about such a fall, you will see the kindness involved. Yes, falling can be a good thing.

How can “only” thoughts be so wrong?  

Jesus had a lot to say about wrong thoughts.  He said when a man lusts after a women in his heart that he already was committing adultery.  He said when we hold anger toward a brother or sister that it is the same as committing murder. All these are thinking patterns that are nurtured and fed until they are carried into the heart to be held. Then, we wonder sometimes, why we have heart problems. We carry these things inside of us! Lust, murder and un-forgiveness. 

Realizing this truth, how can we have the audacity to point any fingers at anyone if we are not honest with ourselves and not even willing to clean up our own acts? If we are not honest, then we are lying to ourselves and to God. 

When Trump sinned, he wasn’t sinning towards us 11 years ago. He was sinning against God and himself. However, there are those with a self-righteous bigoted attitude whom cannot see how their own sinful wretchedness, is betraying their hearts and this has reached heaven due to their judging. The Body of Christ has no excuse. 

Remember when Jesus said in Matthew, “ 34 But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered themselves together. 35 One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ 38 “This is the great and foremost commandment. 39  “The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ 40“On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

That is what Jesus asked of us. He knew we would have our shortcomings and discouragements along the way. He knew there would be times when we would have problems forgiving.  But, he also knew those who would stay stedfast, immovable and push forward boldly; running the race of forgiveness, in spite of how we feel and in spite of our tangled emotions. We choose obedience over self and over flesh because we know whom we trust!

With all that I challenge those who cared to read this: 

Cannot we look back at our own pasts when we want to throw mud and stones? Cannot we pray instead? Isn’t it high time to hold each other up with the faith that was given to us and isn’t it time to ask ourselves: 

“when we mumble and judge each other by our pompous attitudes, what does the world see differently in us?”  

Or, do they see a carbon copy of their world? 

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