Saturday, November 5, 2016

Our God of Hope

Something to think about:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Ro. 15:13

We have a God of Hope. His Hope rises up inside of us and fills us with Peace and Joy AS we trust in Him! As we trust in Him, we overflow with His Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

I love overflowing with hope. This hope is God’s hope and being filled up with His joy and peace.  

If you need our God of Hope that gives Peace and Joy, pray with me today:

Heavenly Father of Hope,

We thank you for being our God of Hope. Right now, we extend our arms out to you and we give you our hearts and trust in you with all our mind, soul and being. We ask you to fill us up with Joy and Peace. We ask you for the overflow of Hope by the power of your Holy Spirit. 

We choose to stay on course, as we trust in you! We choose to keep our eyes on you, as we trust in you! To choose to stay single minded, as we trust in you! We choose to rest in the overflow of hope by the power of your Holy Spirit.  

In Jesus we pray,

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