Friday, November 11, 2016

Prayer for fires to be put out and for the new leadership in America.

Can we pray and agree together for all these fires to go out and for rain to follow? Can we also pray for our new leadership?

Heavenly Father,

We are so thankful we can continually call upon you. We are thankful that you continually hear our prayers, yes, even our hearts thoughts and our whispering requests. There isn’t anything that is too small or too large for you. You told us to believe that what we ask for, is already done. We choose to live by faith and we believe. Right now in one mind and in one accord; we lift up our faith to you asking:

We ask Precious Father, send back the rain in the dry areas, renew the trees, renew the earth that has been scorched and give hope to all your critters. Let your rain fall on us Oh Lord.  We ask that where there are fires burning in these beautiful mountains that you would send your angels to put every single spark completely out. We know along side the angels, we ask that you would cover your Firemen as they all work tirelessly, protect them Father.  Thank you for protecting the homes in these areas. You are faithful Father. I ask that this prayer would glorify your hand of mercy and goodness.

We lift up our new President Elect Trump and VP Pence and all of their faithful workers and upcoming cabinet. We ask that you would keep a invisible shield of protection over all of them and their families and that nothing by any means could do any harm to them. We ask for continual favor, wisdom and a keen sense of discernment for Mr. Trump as the days of decisions approach. We ask that anyone and anything that would try to rebel and oppose your path of justice and goodness would be held accountable and be released from all future responsibility. We ask for your complete blessing upon this nation, whom Under God we do Trust!

In Jesus we pray 


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