Sunday, December 11, 2016

Are you Mercy-Minded?

I’ve been thinking about God’s mercy. I just cannot seem to get past it, because frankly I cannot understand His mercy. His mercy is a supernatural reflection of His everlasting love. He extends a compassion that astonishes the most brilliant of minds. And, these geniuses believe! Gods ways are so deep, they by pass the justice we deserve, the times we recklessly and selfishly moved in the flesh only caring for ourselves. I have prayed for justice and accountability for those who are in high places. But, what if we ourselves did not receive mercy? What if we received the justice we deserved? The truth is, many of us might not be alive to talk about it today.
We are a people who become unmerciful, yet; God holds out his hand and gives us mercy. We think of ourselves as being popular and powerful and then find ourselves in a pit we dug for ourselves. We look up and see his merciful hand once again, pulling us out of our abyss. We become numbed to sin, by our selfishness and lusts, until, like St. Paul; we are hit by light and blinded so we can actually see the truth. God’s merciful truth.
Back around 1945 to 1958 the USA used the Marshal Islands to experiment with the horrors of the H-bomb. With test sites at sea, in the air, on reefs and underwater, the total yield of the nuclear experiments on and around the Marshall Islands was equal to 7,200 Hiroshima bombs, meaning the equivalent of more than one Hiroshima bomb was exploded in the area every day for 12 years, Pilger says. Bikini Island is still nowadays unfit for human life, he adds.
I was not aware of any of this going on because I was too young. I saw the documentary last night. I am surprised I could sleep.
There I was again, thinking about God’s mercy. I believe it can be fairly easy for anyone to preach or teach about mercy, because there are so many Bible verses. However to be truly effective and have a complete understanding about God’s mercy, wouldn’t we have to strive to be mercy-minded ourselves?

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lam. 3:22-23

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