Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Prayer

It is that time of year again, New Years Eve. Along with my usual New Years Eve weepiness and sentimental melancholy heart there is the brooding pain of heaviness that overshadows the families that are mourning their loved ones; that were taken in 2016 and much too soon. 

My heart also goes out for many who are fighting for their health. We know it is a battle, a battle of faith and keeping your eye on the one who knows you better than anyone else. Your Creator.  

Thoughts of those who are stricken with loneliness can bring a heart filled with sorrow and fear, even at every turn. Questions can plague your mind at such times of: “what did I do wrong? How long is this going to take? I know God sees my heart. I know He hears my prayers.” 

During this time of year we reminisce as memories of our loved ones who have passed. How we danced! How we laughed so hard our ribs ached! Yes, we cared and we loved! 

A separation can be like a snap on a branch.
A divorce is a living death.
To hate can be a living poison that causes a death.
Death can beget death.

To love brings life and love.
To forgive brings light, because when you forgive you will see clearer.
True forgiveness brings true love and true love brings light. 

We keep right on growing on our journey. We grow together in our love. Don’t forget, we are all on this trek together. 

Would you like to pray this New Years Eve with me?

Heavenly Father,

How can we thank you for 2016? We will try. We first speak to our souls to bless your name Yaweh. You are the Holy One and the Only one! For you are our Father who never fails us. You hear the wishes in our hearts when we have not said a thing, but you know O Lord. We know you are here as we pray. We know you care about the smallest thing in our lives to the largest obstacles in our lives. You care! You see it all! We say thank you Father for giving us another year. We know you have heard our prayers and we put our trust in you completely. Together we come in agreement and ask you to touch all those who need a healing. We ask that your Holy Spirit would go to the source and root out the problem and totally eliminate it completely. We rejoice ahead of time and give you all the glory Father! 

We ask that you would send the Comforter to those who have lost their loved ones and bring encouraging words, words of understanding and grace. We ask that you would draw them closer to you and begin to heal their hearts.  Give them new positive friends whom they will be able to relate to during this time. Friends of understanding. Friends in you. 

We lift up those who are lonely in heart. We ask where there is an empty void you would refill it with your love. We ask that you would begin to speak to these people in a new light, even one with colorful pictures, a new direction and send messengers to befriend them. We ask that they would begin to see your hand in their lives from morning to night. We thank you for this Father. 

We pray for those in the valley of decision. We ask that you would clarify your leading and confirm your word by 2 or 3 witnesses. We ask that you would gently push these ones to step out in faith to be replaced where you would have them to be. 

We lift up those with financial difficulties and ask that you would bring them words of wisdom and understanding through a special Teacher so they will know how to begin using a godly budget for your Kingdom and family. Even tough love Lord. Open their eyes on the things they need and do not need. We thank you ahead of time for this. 

We pray for all mothers and single mothers who are having problems with raising their children and wrestle with what is right and what is wrong? We ask that Your Holy Spirit would give them Biblical examples and set their hearts at peace during this trying time. We also ask that you would send them new friends who would help them through this pressure during this process. 
We lift up our new President Elect Trump and VP Pence. We pray you would continually give him and his cabinet and all those whom he appoints wisdom and understanding. We ask that you would continually sharpen his discernment and that he would grow in his faith and listen to those whom you have sent to be by his side to advise him. We ask for complete safety for him and his family and for all those he has selected for his cabinet and their families. We ask that the White House would be a place of prayer, godly prayer before every meeting. We ask that this nation would once again honor you before and above everything else. Thank you Lord. 

We lift up the nation of Israel to you. Your beloved land. We ask for safety and assured ~ unbreakable friendship with the USA. We ask for hearts of peace and comfort. We ask that Jesus the Messiah would be completely manifested in that land. AND we ask that a reversal of the new division and divide of their land would be voided completely. We all agree with this, in your name Lord. 

We also pray for those who have lost their pets in 2016. A small thing in some eyes but very large to those whom they belonged. We ask that you would heal their hearts and bring them through it. We also ask that you would show these people new and lonely pets that need their love. Thank you Lord.

Father, there are those who are having car and truck problems. I ask that a real revelation be given to these people and that the right person be sent to them to fix their vehicle and a low cost. We rejoice in this Lord. 

Heavenly Father I believe there are a few people who are trying to get pregnant who are reading this and I ask in Jesus name that your Holy Spirit would touch these couples and they would know without a doubt their baby will be your gift to them. Yes Lord! 

Help us be better people in 2017. Give us the understanding we need to be able to walk in the compassion and mercy that you have given to us. Teach us to speak your words in a loving way, an understanding way and help us be transparently real and more sincere. We choose to be content instead of complain and thankful instead of taking anything for granted. We choose to put you first Lord.  Thank you Father. 

We pray for those who need to return to you. We ask that you would stir up their hearts and give them the memories of friendship, joy and praise and we ask that your Holy Spirit would convict and woo them back into the Body of Christ. 

Heavenly Father, for those who have not been Born Again, we ask that you would send your irresistible love to minister to their hearts through your messengers. We all agree with this.

In Jesus we ask,


“And, it shall be that before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.”  Isaiah 65:24

If you have prayed through this whole long prayer with me. I ask that the Lord would bless your Spirit abundantly and give you the desires of your heart!

Happy New Year Friends! 

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