Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Small Prayer of Praise

“Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Ps. 9:10

I know your name Lord, for there are many. Your eyes rove to and fro upon your earth to see the motives of our hearts as You look for obedience. You answer our prayers before we even ask. You go to battle for us and are our great defender. You are love, as you wait and look for those to return to your truth. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who guides us, teaches us and whispers your will to our hearts. Thank you for calling us friends. Thank you for always giving us the hope we need that waters our faith to see through your eyes and not ones of flesh. Thank for teaching us there is no substitute for your strength, your power or Spirit. We give you glory this morning. We give you praise. 

In Jesus we pray   Amen 

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