Thursday, May 31, 2018

Struggling with your thoughts

Here I go again.
We all have a past. Every single one of us has a story nestled inside of us. Should we decide to put our life journey into print, our shelves would be overstocked with volumes of bygone years.
History records our lives upon our hearts and there are times when we choose to replay the yesterdays and when we decide to open up a room full of scars, we are given a special gift of stress that affects our hearts and wounds our souls. Is this why women have risen in heart attacks today?
As I was thinking about all this, I pictured myself opening an old familiar door in the seeds of my mind. Then, I stopped dead in my tracks and backed up and looked up at the door post. I saw blood upon it. The replay was broken, I couldn’t walk ahead and the seducing spirit passed me by. I deliberately chose to look up and when I did, the light gave sight of a much larger wound than myself whose blood covered my heart, my mind and all my yesterdays. When I looked up, God’s son healed my thought life and His light connected with my spirit, powerfully, securely and permanently.
Today, I see that door before me and it has a deadbolt lock across the front entrance. I have chosen life instead of torment and death and victory over defeat. In Christ I live by faith.
Heavenly Father,
We strive to give you glory in our lives. We breathe to reflect honor to you Lord. Oh Father we give you all of our thoughts, our intents, our tongue and any works we do, we do upon your behalf, not ours. Thank you for your never-ending mercies, your unfailing love and forgiveness in our lives. We thank you for giving our hearts insight, answers and solutions for our lives. We put all our trust in you Lord. In Jesus amen.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

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