Monday, April 8, 2019

Are you going through a storm?

Visually imagine an apple tree. This particular apple tree has hundreds of blooms. The bees are humming and collecting pollen. All is well, things are going good for the apple tree. Now look at another tree that appears to be butchered.  The professional tree pruners came along and cut back all the branches and the tree gives the impression of being lifeless. Why? All gardeners know every bush or tree needs to be pruned every year in order to bear more fruit. 

So it is with us, we all go through those seasons of pruning. Read what Jesus said in John 15:2:

“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so that it will bear more fruit [even richer and finer fruit].”]  amp. 

What are you having a hard time growing these days? “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance against such there is no law. “ Galatians 5:22, 23 kjv

Are you short on patience? You will be exposed to trials that will demand you to grow patience.  Self-Control? The Spirit will say “slow down” and could immobilize you for awhile, so you will pray and think before you make your decisions. What about gentleness and kindness? I admire those with godly gentleness. Usually those who have a ripe fruit of kindness have a quiet strength. Our Heavenly Father admires this quiet strength inside of a woman. They never brag about their accomplishments, but continue on always looking for the good inside of every person. Are you lacking in faith? When was the last time you studied the word? When was the last time you activated the word inside of you? Time to grow some fruit. Snip snip. 

There are times when you go to bed and wake up discouraged and want to go back to bed. Think of yourself as having a bad haircut. Each time you come through the storm, the sun will appear a little bit brighter because you will be that much stronger in Him! 

We pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving us seasons of pruning and never giving up on us. Thank you for continually molding us into your people that are taught and sheltered by your love. Thank you for making us sensitive to your artistry and aware that every single thing we go through is for your glory and our good. Help us grow strong fruit where we are weak. Send those we can glean from who have the wisdom and skills we need. We choose to be teachable, we choose to listen, we choose to be quiet, we choose to be humble, we choose to walk in faith filled with joy and we thank you for giving this to us. Blessed be your name in the Highest O Father! We send this prayer through your son Jesus, amen. 

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