Friday, July 24, 2020

If a frog & a toad can do it, so can you!

Nature films can have me on the edge of my seat! The other night I anxiously watched an exotic mother frog of only 2 cm. long [no bigger than a postage stamp] with striking colors of blue, green, red and yellow markings on its body, begin to climb a tall tree in hunt of tropical plants that held water. She was carrying one of her polliwogs upon her back and needed to find a safe place. Her intuition led her to a beautiful oblong shaped plant whose bottom held a small pool of water.  As she jumped into the water, her offspring wiggled into the pool. Content he was safe, the mother turned around to slowly work her way back down the tree to get another polliwog. This would go on until all her polliwogs had their own safe place to grow. Because they did not have food, she would lay an unfertilized egg in each pool for them to eat and grow. Her responsibility was not lifted until they were finally able to leap out of the pool. Only then, was she able to rest. 

I was amazed as I continued to watch a toad the same size as the frog. If you have never noticed toads aren’t good at jumping. This little guy was carefully working himself over a rock and suddenly saw the top of the head of a carnivorous Komodo Dragon 10 ft long and weighing 330 lbs emerge. Without a seconds thought, the toad leaped into a free fall! He fell hitting the rocks below, falling through branches and leaves, until he was finally able to grab hold of a small branch without any leaves. Due to the suctions on the bottom of his feet, he was able to pull himself upon the branch. Only then did his big eyes roll up to where he had seen the dragon. 

Now transfixed, I watched another toad the same small size working it’s way on a rock and what did he see beginning to come his way? But a large hairy tarantula that loved to feast on toads! Oh, what to do? No problem! The toad quickly folded itself up into a small tight ball and rolled and bounced over the rocks all the way down the rocky hill. Better to be bruised than eaten!

I was struck how every single critter had a way of escape when they became threatened. Each of them were so tiny. Without hesitation the mother frog worked towards getting her offspring out of danger and the toads followed through their inward plan of escape when threatened. 

Can it be possible we are to learn more by the creatures God created, who seem to have more faith than we do? Although very small, they did not waver when threatened. Though the toads had to have felt the fear, they did not allow themselves to become paralyzed in it. Though the mother frog had to be tired of her seemingly never-ending chore, she was obedient; right to the end. 

Come to think about it, God created the animals before us and said it was good.  Does it not teach us to use the faith we have when testings come? One of the greatest proofs of our faith is obedience, but in one single minute we can cancel out everything we believe in, by the words we speak. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. We pray in faith, but speak against the very prayer we prayed. By our words we take it all back. 

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Mt. 18:19, 20

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

“If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for." Mt. 21:22

What are you agreeing to in faith?  All of life is a test and can be compared to facing a Komodo Dragon at times! This is when we get stronger, if we allow God’s Holy Spirit to work in our lives. Can you believe this? Every obstacle in our lives begins to develop muscle for you to either climb over that wall, dig a burrow under it, find a way around it,  or leap over it!  That is what the equipping of The Holy Spirit does in your life!

If I pray for rain, I will take an umbrella expecting and knowing God heard my prayers. My answer may not come in the next hour, day or weeks or even two or three years, but I know by faith, it is on the way! The toads knew they could get away by acting upon their leap of faith. I believe the mother frog was moving by faith in love and nothing could stop her from taking care of all her offspring. She knew eventually her chore would end, but she also knew in the meantime, she had to push through above all else. 

Let’s pray:

Precious Father,

Thank you for always speaking to us in so many ways. Thank you for ministering your truth deep inside of our hearts. Thank you for the great design of your creation and how your hand has a plan for every living creature on earth. You are so Great Father! Stir our hearts Father, to have more respect and delight in what you have given to us, those things we cannot see; yet are still working upon your behalf for your glory and for our good. You are even in charge of the atom! You work in all things Father. You do not waste a single thing on your earth. Teach us to expand our faith and be the godly stewards we are all called to be while we are here. We ask that you would give us a tiny pebble of the greatness of your love.  We confess and believe your son Jesus Christ is truly the Lamb of God. We believe Jesus is Lord. Thank you Father for protecting us, for guiding us and giving us another day, We choose to give you all our love and honor you in our minds, our hearts, our souls and in our strength. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.   


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