Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Loves gives and keeps giving

My oldest son was ready to set the world on fire when I walked him to the school bus for the first time. He loved everyone, and was full of enthusiasm, yet so small!  But I was not ready for him to leave my protection! I cried as I walked all the way home. When I waited for him at the bus stop, he jumped off the bus and told me that his teacher got lost at school, he ended up finding her in the cafeteria. I was later to discover he was the one who got lost. Then, the school bus driver had forgotten to let him off our stop and he had a longer ride than normal on that first day. He had fallen asleep on the bus. So young, he started learning right away that things do not always go the way we plan.

When that final day came for him to leave home to go to college many states away, I was terribly grieved, for I knew how cruel the world could be. Long and lanky, he had won a scholarship from being an outstanding long distance runner. Once again, I choked on my words as I reluctantly let him go. And, when the day came he joined the USMC, my heart felt it went through a wringer.  Although he has been through many trials, to this day, nothing is allowed to crush his passion in life. 

Within each major step in all our lives, I had to give the whole situation to God by faith and I prayed!  

Real love is not love, until you give it away. Love endures. Love always thinks about others first. Love is compassionate and empathizes as you take the time to pray and help others. True love schools us to see the good in others, and see them as they could be in Christ.  God loved us before we even knew him, while we were knee deep in sin and yet, He chose to send His only son for us to experience His incredible love of forgiveness.  I cannot imagine sending any of my sons to die for the world. On the other hand, against my will; everyone of my sons were sent to war and in harms way; for us! True love will always be a sacrifice and through this sacrifice we develop the patience we need because His Holy Spirit lives within us.  Every single fruit we grow in our lives is through God’s love and it is by His son we are set free.

“This is my commandment. That ye love one another; as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12, 13 kjv

Precious Father,

Thank you for continually teaching us about about your love. Thank you for realigning  our thoughts to get our priorities back into your will and your way. Thank you for adjusting our hearts once again, how important giving is in our lives and how it  connects to your love. Father we fully accept the sacrifice of your son Jesus. We cannot say we understand it all, but we choose to believe your ways are so much higher than ours and all for our good. We know you never start something that you do not finish. We ask that you would continue to remold our hearts, our minds and souls into the transformation of your will, not ours. We can walk in faith, because of Your great love.. Open our eyes to see how powerful the giving of love is in our lives. In Jesus we ask. Amen.

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