Thursday, February 25, 2021

Spring is just around the corner


                                                                  Peace, be still #2

The opposite of peace is war, agitation, turmoil, anxiety, worry and stress. Fear is the opposite of faith and brings a lack of trust in a God whose love never fails us. Something we don’t think about very often is that we can even be a carrier of unrest or comfort. I sometimes ask myself: “What are my words bringing to other people?”    

Fear and unrest? Agitation?

Faith and hope?

Reading God’s word can be fearful at times, but there is hope because He always gives us a remedy. We can declare His prophecies in corrections, and warnings but it is through His encouragements and promises that we receive His peace. 

Many of us haven’t walked in peace because we have not taken the time to think about it, nor seek and grow it. In todays world, worry is a way of life. We can feed our worries until stress comes and people get sick.  Does not the word say: 

Death and life are in the power [or hand] of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.Pr.18:21 

I ask you, are we building upon our lack of faith today by what comes out of our mouths?  

We have a choice to speak life or death. 

Walking in the Spirit brings life and peace, not stress, because through our trials we learn to commit to God in whatever we do.  Peace is a fruit that must be cultivated, given good soil and watered. We sometimes plow and plant seeds of discord, by the thoughts in our hearts and the words we speak begin to build upon those issues. We have all done this. We cannot give peace if we do not have it inside of us. Right? Why do we sometimes have this urge to bring up words that take away, rather than increase? Words that do not unite and heal, but bring death and division? Could it be Flesh? Should our words begin to betray our souls and our lifestyle, God’s word is faithful and gives us a remedy. 

But, seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” 

Mt. 6:33, 34.  

Remedy: Seek first His Kingdom

                Seek His righteousness

                Do not worry about tomorrow

Results: All these things will be given to you

              Tomorrow will take care of itself.

You are planning for tomorrow, increasing your faith and walking in the Spirit.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7 niv. 

Remedy: Put down and resist all [anxiety] fear of man.

                Take time to, pray and petition God over everything in your life. 

                Be thankful and humble when you let your request to be known.

Results:  God’s peace comes, that the world cannot receive or understand.

                His peace guards your heart. [Emotions]

                His peace guards your mind. [our intellect]


When Jesus was sleeping in the boat, the Bible says “without warning” a furious storm came and the waves gushed over the boat. His disciples woke Jesus saying, “Lord, save us! We are going to drown!”

Jesus response, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”

He then, rebuked the winds and the waves and it was completely calm. 

Matthew 8:23-26

There was NO WARNING when the storm came upon the lake.

Problem: No warning of a problem.

                Jesus disciples were not prepared or ready.

               Fear surpassed faith and love.

Remedy: Increase our faith. We get faith by hearing the word of God.

                When we grow in faith and love, we reap God’s peace.  

Promise: “Commit to the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Pr. 16:3“

Let’s pray:

Precious Holy Father,

Your Holy Spirit teaches us everything we need to be strengthened while we are here. You have given us your word to apply daily to our lives to receive your peace. We thank you Father. You have given us your love through your Son Jesus so we can walk with confidence, in everything we do. Today, we re-commit our lives to walk by faith, not by sight. We examine our hearts, confess our sins, re-commit to re-strengthen and guard our hearts. We choose to meditate upon your goodness in all that we do. We re-commit to your love and speak love towards our brothers and sisters. Help us to be peacemakers. We re-commit to rebuke all fear of man, for we know this can be a snare in our lives. We choose to walk in your promises and cultivate your peace. We choose to reproducers of your peace, even in the midst of the storms that come without warning.  Help us to apply this peace to those around us and we ask you would water the fruit of gentleness to speak softly encouraging the fruit of peace. Help us to be those who will give life through our words and not death. Help us to not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with your good. We ask this in Jesus name, amen. 

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