Monday, June 21, 2021

ALEX the wonder dog


In this picture both Alex and I are much younger. He was but a puppy.


Our oldest dog “Alex” has to be around 20 years or older. I have lost count. He has lost his sight and hearing. Aside from that he is without pain, can walk and still get around, he just doesn’t know where he is going when he is in the yard. I took him to the specialist about his eyes and she said his problems with the cornea and retina were due to his advanced age and there was no cure. Alex has been a good dog, not perfect, as he had an obsession with tennis balls and felt they were all created just for him. Once a fierce guard dog, he has traveled with me in my small RV from Florida to the upper peninsula of Michigan. The RV was his second home and he would guard it with his life.  When I left the RV to go into a grocery and he would quickly jump behind the wheel anxiously waiting and looking for me to return.  He was my pal, my buddy and even my bodyguard. 

Alex came from the pound. When I took his small black and white bundle in my arms, we both loved him at first sight. He has a dish face and legs nearly a foot long. When he started growing, I noticed he was growing more by length instead of vertically. His short legs were not a handicap though and I should have named him Jet because of his speedy leaps to catch frisbees and balls. He looks like a shortened border collie and is smart as a whip! 

He was filled with an overload of confidence with an unerring discernment towards people. Completely fearless, I have seen him confront a Rottweiler, 3 Huskies, Shepherds and a Pit bull without so much as a flinch. His tenacity was shocking. I think his audacity must have shocked them into backing down. When he growled or barked, he sounded much larger than they were. There was no doubt about it, he was the king of the neighborhood!  

As I look back at my memories with our wonder dog, I can’t help thinking that we won’t have him too much longer. He sleeps very deep and soundly now. He usually sleeps on the porch with our other dog and barks to tell me when he has to go in the yard. Then, he barks to tell me when he wants to come back to the porch. We have both developed a system. 

Have I prayed for Alex? Yes! But, you know, everyone of us will be crossing over that rainbow someday. Losing a pet is heartbreaking and I understand the heaviness of all those who have gone through such loss. We become close to our pets. They respond to our affection anytime we can give it to them.  They don’t judge how you look, nor care what you smell like or by what you just said or did. They forgive easily and they love us unconditionally, no matter your mood. I believe they are here to be a part of God’s bigger plan for us to learn how to love. They wait all day for us to come home from work and have the time, to just to be near us! They crave our presence. Anything that gives that much love has to be from God. 

“A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.>” Proverbs 12:10 niv

I miss many of my pets who have passed over and think of their undeniable faithfulness towards me. If you still have love in your heart to give to these needy furry friends, be open and welcome another blessing into your life and share this love. 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Today we pray for all those who are going through an illness with their pets or old age. We ask that your Holy Spirit would comfort them, in the ways You have comforted us in the past. We ask that you would begin to heal their hearts from their loss and to renew their spirits in You and bring up the good memories of their pets that reflected Your love in their lives. We ask, in learning how to love unselfishly, they would be free to keep giving it away to those around them and to other pets in need. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen. 

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