Thursday, June 3, 2021

Love brings Hope

 Encouragement is a right word at that perfect time.  There is just something about listening to a good word that stimulates our heart and ignites our whole life!  We are given hope!  

I have noticed a pattern that has taken place from “The Good Media.” They expose slander, corruptness, the mockeries and schemes of those working to bring down this nation and exposure is good.  But, should there be a constant recording of pointing fingers will depress, instead of building up. Too much repeated rattle becomes like a dripping faucet that needs to be fixed.  

Yes! We are living in times of shocking violence, unthankfulness, selfishness, greed, seared consciences, shamelessness and more. Is there not a better way to give the news, then to continually berate, belittle and tear down the enemy? We already know them, by their fruit. Isn’t it time for the righteous to speak the truth in love? 

Exposure is good!  Now, I am praying for justice!

Can we actually do this? Yes, I believe we can all do this with practice. 

Theodore Rosevelt once said: “Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far.” 

I have been trying to speak softly for a long time, but still rough around the edges. It seems the stick sometimes comes in the form of my words. 

Most people see we are in a fight for what is right and I applaud and pray for those on the frontlines working to take back what the enemy has stolen.  

When “the good people” poke fun, tear down or continually belittle the enemy, they are exposing what still needs to be cleaned up inside themselves.  This writer knows, our mouth can be our worst enemy.

“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18 niv


And, this is what we all need. Healing in every form.

Our nation needs healing. We need some wise words spoken over us today, that is backed up by love; by people who really care. Now, let’s look in the mirror. We need to be the ones to give these wise loving words that bring healing and are a tree of life. 

We have a choice. Our words can either promote healing or promote despair and discouragement. 

Our enemies will always fight in the flesh because they believe their own lies, are blind to the truth and work with the rulers of darkness in our world. They have a mission, just like we have a mission. 

What can we do about all this? How can we bring healing to our nation? 

Like Pastor David Jeremiah has said, “it isn’t about ourselves, but about others. And, when we edify others with loving kindness, we become edified ourselves.”   

This is so true and is a part of the principles of sowing and reaping that God has given us to follow. What we sow, we will receive back many times over.

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” Proverbs 16:24 ESV

I have whom I consider to be, a good friend who has a godly wisdom that speaks gentle words of sweetness into my soul and I respond to her love. Her words of love promote healing. Do you know why? Because, she is like a real diamond that is genuine in her caring and concern. When she speaks, she is used by The Holy Spirit to soothe my heart.   My friend can see through any of my spotty facades and simply ministers the love of Jesus to me and this is what we all need to practice today. 

We start by beginning and learn while we practice. It is God’s kindness that lead men to repentance. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t respond to His love. When we give and speak love, we give hope and our hearts begin to heal. I want to be a vessel used to bring hope and healing. Don’t you?

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We are so thankful You are a God of Hope and Love. You send your angels to speak healing into our lives and Your light brings us back up. Thank You for sending those who are filled with Your love and practice Your gentleness at every turn. Teach us all to have grace in our speech. Words that are truly seasoned by Your salt. We ask that You would pull us up when we are down and keep us tightly reigned in Your will. Remind all of us to acknowledge the constant wonderment of the greatness and overwhelming blessing of being called “Children of God.”  Thank you Father. Thank you for those whose actions are backed up a thousand times by the very words they speak. Keep them safe and healthy and filled up with Your Holy Spirit.  Thank You for Your never ending Love and Healing. In Jesus we give You this prayer of praise and thanks. Amen. 


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