Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Heart Keeper

                                    Heart Keeper

Picture a Holy God whose eyes go all over the world. His Spirit doesn’t examine our good looks or our talent in equations. His eyes look deep into our hearts. 

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2Ch.16:9 a.

God promises us that He will show Himself strong upon those whose hearts are loyal to Him. The faithful. These are hearts of godly integrity who love God first. 

Heavenly Father, We ask that You would show yourself strong to those who have loyal hearts. Those who walk by unwavering faith.

One of my favorite verses:

Above everything else GUARD your heart, for it is the well springs of life”. Proverbs 4:23  

Above Everything Else.  We could say. "Above All."

Guarding what we put inside of our heart is essential to life and death [physically, mentally and spiritually]. What we allow inside of our hearts will be a direct reflection and connection to the life you are living today. We filter things from our heart. Things go in, some are forgotten and discarded, others kept. This is where The Holy Spirit resides. When you are led by The Holy Spirit, your words are going to be seasoned with grace because you are learning to be careful with your words. Your words will be like honey to those who are seeking truth. A treasure chest of God’s promises, that up the soul. We learn not just by study, but by experience through our times of testings, to practice what we learn. This lesson can be like driving up a hill, then coasting downward only to go up and down again. 

The Bible says a wise man is not quick to answer, but thinks before he speaks. 

We are not limited by blinders or chains. We are free choice to look upon whatever we desire.  We can listen to music placing joy in our hearts or we can tap into yesterdays music that can produce nostalgic feelings. We are free to put anything we wish into our hearts, but not everything will produce the goodness of God inside of us, grow good fruit, extend healings nor be pleasing in His sight. We can overload our concentration upon our woes, fears, the past that is no longer here, or we can walk in the awesome miracle how we were rescued from its bondages and give a bold praise for this victory. Smile! We have the option to keep hope alive while in a time of turmoil, because it is God who gives us hope. Yes, we have a real live God who cares for us.

The other night before sleeping I turned on the tv and selected a movie that said, “Andreas” that was about an earthquake fault in California. As I was watching, the earthquake came, ceilings started to fall, bricks and glass were flying and the paved roads were splitting as cars fell into the openings. Just then, I caught myself asking, “What am I doing?”  The film used fear to generate attention. I turned it off. We can experience fear, but we do not have to give into it. Resist the enemy and he will flee.

What are we carrying inside of our heart?  What is the centerpiece [your priority] inside of your heart? What are the thoughts in your heart? We grow by meditating upon God’s word. When we meditate upon His promises, peace overrides all fear. 


Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5,6.  

Our heart is smart to know its part, 

yet without the Holy Spirit cannot see 

the plight of a fool he will be.”

Heavenly Father, 

Today we choose faith and love over all fear. Right now, we resist all fear of man’s schemes, plans and words! We see Your hand! We experience Your great love! We rejoice over answered prayers! We depend upon You in all of our ways. We stand upon the rock You have given to us and we choose not to be shaken in any way. You are the God of hope. We choose to be under Your shadow and depend completely upon You. Above all else, we choose to guard our hearts. We humble ourselves and ask that we would hear Your voice clearer, receive Your corrections, be drawn to You, be bold and fearless and be pleasing in Your sight. Purify any wrong motives in our hearts. Forgive us for those blind sins and those careless sins in our lives. Forgive us for taking Your grace and mercy for granted. We ask that You expel any idols of greed, selfishness, pride, witchcraft and rebellion from our hearts and we renounce them in the name of Christ. We ask that our offerings of faith and loving You would be holy and pleasing to You. We ask for Your Holy Spirit be with our families. Open the hearts of those who need to be drawn to the cross with repentance and salvation. We ask for growth in Christ, continual insight, good health and protective angels while going out and coming back. We thank You Lord. We thank You for guiding our steps. We thank You for all these blessings and favor. In Jesus we pray. Amen. 

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