Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Thoughts

I listen to the news. Not because I like to hear bad news, but I like to glean some kind of a crumb of hope from something I have prayed for and it does come!  I listen to The War Room on America’s voice, Greg Kelly and Stinchfield on Newsmax. The best ones are on The Victory Station, with Victory News and Flashpoint. Though they tell you the truth and horror of what is happening the narrator gently reminds you not to allow the fear to enter into you. I always agree. Did not Jesus keep saying, “Do not fear?” 

I get frustrated when I hear a well intended gov say: “We all need to work together so we can return our land back to where it should be.”  She was talking about the Dems and the Reps working together.  I hear this all of the time. Let me tell you all something. No one can reason with an evil regime. They have an agenda to rob, steal and destroy. In fact, I just read how they cannot go to sleep unless they can think of another way to destroy that which is good. [Proverbs 4:16] It is that serious.

Ah, there is an impeachment against the man who says he is President.  It is a beginning. But getting all the greasy grime out of Capitol Hill and its toxic branches will be something like cleaning your stove from the baked spillovers. This takes plenty of time and elbow grease. Yes, I know, if I cleaned the oven every time I used it, it wouldn’t be in such a bad shape today!. But neither would our nation! As I was scrubbing today, I couldn’t help but see the similarity. When a group of people live to destroy what is good, they need to be scrubbed out!

I’m going to be listening to the frogs and crickets tonight, it’s supposed to get down to 62 and this is why I am always happy to see September! 

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