Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Above All, Guard your Heart.



Above All, Guard your Heart

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let then out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find then and HEALTH to a man’s whole body. ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, FOR IT IS THE WELLSPRING OF LIFE.” Proverbs 4:20-23 niv

I have many favorite verses, but these verses go right to the top of the list and each time I read them I cannot help smiling. They are love promises and the only way I can describe the way it affects me is when we put oil in our car that assures its health of running smoothly. In spiritual terms, the oil brings me joy!  What is your favorite food? For some it would mean a tasty steak cooked exactly the way you like it. Picture that steak placed right in front of you, and you’ve just taken that first bite. That is the way eating the word of God tastes. Some are addicted to coffee or chocolate; but there are a few of us out here who drink the word of God. It feeds everything inside and outside of you. Nothing is left untouched. God’s word is truly a WELLSPRING!

In the KJV vs 20 says: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my saying.”

That word incline expresses an act and an agreement with what is being given to him. Incline means to lean, to bend the head and body forward, to bow, to listen closely and pay attention. Have you ever noticed how some people will learn forward to listen to a subject they are interested in? This is how we learn to hear God’s voice. Incline your ear. These aren’t just words, but a command.  Be willing to learn as this is how we will gain understanding through His precepts.  We stretch out from ourselves, we stop and humble ourselves to open our ears, to hear what the Master wants to say to us.

Vs 21.  “Let them not depart from thine eyes. Keep them in the midst of thine heart.”

Keep reading. Think about the promises you are reading and keep them safe in your heart. Put them in your inner man. You are storing up truth to meditate upon.  

Vs 22.  “For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”

What does that mean? Life?  

This means that God’s word could save your life. His words are truth. When we pursue this truth with a humble heart, we discover what was missing in our lives. Some would say it is like a aha moment. Others would say, “I have found the answer.”  We cannot find it without hearing His word. For every problem you have, there is a solution written for you to apply in your life. Life in the here and for eternity.

What does health mean? Health to all our flesh?

Once you believe in the written word, the Holy Spirit comes and begins to give you more understanding to apply in your life. Your Faith will no longer limit the word or limit what God can do for you and your thinking processes. As you read, you will discover the Son of God who came to set people free from the spirits of darkness and themselves and from a lifetime of fear, bondages and replace them with His Holy Spirit. With godly thinking brings a new way of life and comes health in so many ways. It is like putting that oil in a lamp. The oil is The Holy Spirit that places salve on a wound that otherwise wouldn’t heal.  Nothing gets Gods attention quicker than applying the faith that He has given to us. We will either listen to the flesh and respond in unbelief or we will listen to the Holy Spirit and respond in belief.  Which do you pick?

Are you listening?

Vs. 23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.”

Everything we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell if we aren’t careful will go into our hearts and then overflow out of our mouths. Guard what you hear, what you read, what you see and what you believe. Ask yourself, does it add His love and more faith in your life or take away from it? The more you meditate upon Gods words the wiser your heart and your soul will be rejoicing because you will be speaking what is right.  You will be learning how to speak what is right, at the perfect time to meet a productive cause in that person’s life [and yours]. Learning does this.

The Bible talks about the Watchmen. We are all called to be a type of Watchman as we guard our hearts. Think about it, we have the Kingdom of God within us. We have His Holy Spirit within us. We are the Ark of the New Testament that is carrying His words of life within us. The Ark of the New Covenant is within us. Are we not to watch what we put inside of our temples?

Protect what God has given to you, cherish it, apply it in your life and diligently use His words to help others who are looking for help and solutions.

Pray with me:


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me a deeper understanding of Your word. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and the great love that manifests to me daily. I ask that You teach me and guide me into that perfect union with Your Son Jesus. I ask that You forgive me for not guarding my heart as I should. I repent on this, and I ask that You renew my faith to be that example of His love and having a sensitive clear conscience through all my decisions. Remind me to be that cautious Watchman and not allow anything inside of me that doesn’t belong in there. Thank You Father, in Jesus I pray, amen.



My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let then out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find then and HEALTH to a man’s whole body. ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, FOR IT IS THE WELLSPRING OF LIFE.” Proverbs 4:20-23 niv

I have many favorite verses, but these verses go right to the top of the list and each time I read them I cannot help smiling. They are love promises and the only way I can describe the way it affects me is when we put oil in our car that assures its health of running smoothly. In spiritual terms, the oil brings me joy!  What is your favorite food? For some it would mean a tasty steak cooked exactly the way you like it. Picture that steak placed right in front of you, and you’ve just taken that first bite. That is the way eating the word of God tastes. Some are addicted to coffee or chocolate; but there are a few of us out here who drink the word of God. It feeds everything inside and outside of you. Nothing is left untouched. God’s word is truly a WELLSPRING!

In the KJV vs 20 says: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my saying.”

That word incline expresses an act and an agreement with what is being given to him. Incline means to lean, to bend the head and body forward, to bow, to listen closely and pay attention. Have you ever noticed how some people will learn forward to listen to a subject they are interested in? This is how we learn to hear God’s voice. Incline your ear. These aren’t just words, but a command.  Be willing to learn as this is how we will gain understanding through His precepts.  We stretch out from ourselves, we stop and humble ourselves to open our ears, to hear what the Master wants to say to us.

Vs 21.  “Let them not depart from thine eyes. Keep them in the midst of thine heart.”

Keep reading. Think about the promises you are reading and keep them safe in your heart. Put them in your inner man. You are storing up truth to meditate upon.  

Vs 22.  “For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”

What does that mean? Life?  

This means that God’s word could save your life. His words are truth. When we pursue this truth with a humble heart, we discover what was missing in our lives. Some would say it is like a aha moment. Others would say, “I have found the answer.”  We cannot find it without hearing His word. For every problem you have, there is a solution written for you to apply in your life. Life in the here and for eternity.

What does health mean? Health to all our flesh?

Once you believe in the written word, the Holy Spirit comes and begins to give you more understanding to apply in your life. Your Faith will no longer limit the word or limit what God can do for you and your thinking processes. As you read, you will discover the Son of God who came to set people free from the spirits of darkness and themselves and from a lifetime of fear, bondages and replace them with His Holy Spirit. With godly thinking brings a new way of life and comes health in so many ways. It is like putting that oil in a lamp. The oil is The Holy Spirit that places salve on a wound that otherwise wouldn’t heal.  Nothing gets Gods attention quicker than applying the faith that He has given to us. We will either listen to the flesh and respond in unbelief or we will listen to the Holy Spirit and respond in belief.  Which do you pick?

Are you listening?

Vs. 23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.”

Everything we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell if we aren’t careful will go into our hearts and then overflow out of our mouths. Guard what you hear, what you read, what you see and what you believe. Ask yourself, does it add His love and more faith in your life or take away from it? The more you meditate upon Gods words the wiser your heart and your soul will be rejoicing because you will be speaking what is right.  You will be learning how to speak what is right, at the perfect time to meet a productive cause in that person’s life [and yours]. Learning does this.

The Bible talks about the Watchmen. We are all called to be a type of Watchman as we guard our hearts. Think about it, we have the Kingdom of God within us. We have His Holy Spirit within us. We are the Ark of the New Testament that is carrying His words of life within us. The Ark of the New Covenant is within us. Are we not to watch what we put inside of our temples?

Protect what God has given to you, cherish it, apply it in your life and diligently use His words to help others who are looking for help and solutions.

Pray with me:


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me a deeper understanding of Your word. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and the great love that manifests to me daily. I ask that You teach me and guide me into that perfect union with Your Son Jesus. I ask that You forgive me for not guarding my heart as I should. I repent on this, and I ask that You renew my faith to be that example of His love and having a sensitive clear conscience through all my decisions. Remind me to be that cautious Watchman and not allow anything inside of me that doesn’t belong in there. Thank You Father, in Jesus I pray, amen.



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