Monday, January 9, 2023

Humility reverses Pride #2


Humility reverses Pride #2

What does a vintage 1953 VW have to do with humility and pride? Read on and you will find out.



The Scoop #4


                                      Humility reverses Pride #2


Just a little bit of pride can be the downfall of a career that says, “I was the one who deserved that raise!” Did your prideful attitude prevent the raise? In a marriage that says, “I will never forgive him [her]!” Could there possibly be the thought you may have done the same thing, only in a different way? Think about it.  And a nation who says, “Look at what we have done, how powerful we are!” Look how great we are!” 

We are in trouble when we slip self-importance before humbleness. Before the Love of God. Pride divides. Most marital spats are caused because of pride. Is it worth it?  How can we genuinely love God if we are putting ourselves before Him?

I ask you a simple question:

Why is it when we look at the stately beauty of a tree that gives shade in the heat of summer, eye candy in the autumn, welcomes those who need homes, wood to keep us warm, paper for us to use, furniture and yet; that tree remains humble? That glorious tree lives to radiate Gods glory and to give to us. We hear the birds sing praises to God every morning without a murmur or complaint. I had a dragonfly that would follow me around the garden and kept fearlessly landing on my wrist many years ago and his beautiful eyes looked right up into my mine as if to say, “I trust you.” How do they know those who would never hurt them and those that would? Do trees, birds or dragon flies have pride? No, I think not. Unlike some of us, they know they have a mission.

There lies America’s biggest weakness and temptation. For some, she must be number one and powerful forever. Birthed in 1776 on Independence Day, we are the offspring of Europe and many other nations who bathed in the freedom offered in this new land. Our forefathers dedicated baby America to God, and He blessed and blessed us with freedom. Our schools taught the Bible and prayed. Hardships came with the new land and sometimes, we learned through our mistakes. We went through wars and experienced depressions, droughts, harsh storms, floods, and plagues and the sorrows of many deaths. We learned to be frugal through the great depression and not to waste a thing. Then after another war, prosperity knocked on our doors and we started rocking and rolling with all the seducements offered. Life became easier. Slowly we began to forget about God and allowed idolatry to come into the land.  We were a young child in a fairy tale of a land of abundance. People began buying homes and cars on time and the bankers smiled with glee.

America, you went from not having anything to having an abundance of everything in such a short time. But, in your early years, you always honored the God who sent you here. You were once a child, but now it is time to grow up.

 When a child is given everything and has never heard the word no, that child will demand its way because that is the way he was raised.

Why? Because he can.

If a two-year-old is asked permission from the parent if it is all right for him to stop disobeying, who is running the household? For example: “Johnny, stop hitting your sister, all right? “

Why? Because he can.

If a child is raised in an environment that never had to be without anything, how does he develop a thankful heart? If a child has had everything done for him, including his thinking; how will he learn to function when he goes into the world? If he has never learned to wait or work for something, how will he begin to learn from the testing’s that produces patience? When he is grown and works for a living, he will begin to learn that life is not a comfortable buggy ride after all and that the principles of sowing and reaping are indeed truth. In time, we learn what we sow comes back to bite us in the derriere.

Will that child be able to marry successfully when he was taught to be  number one and selfish and already married to himself?

When a nation is nestled in a self-serving habit of believing a battery of lies, pride is produced. A self-destructive form of complacency and decay begins to come in many forms of darkness, and the nation becomes blind to God’s mercy and truth.

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.”

Psalm 25:10 kjv.

That nation begins to shun truth and gives into the idolatry of perversion, lies, greed in every abominable area and not only promotes it but teaches it. 

America has become caustic.

Good people slept and languished while a thief came and began to successfully steal truth from the most innocent of hearts and the accusers flourish while declaring good is evil. If you do not believe in Satan wake up and listen to what is going on today. Most people can see we are fighting a spiritual problem against good vs evil. And the Laodicean church simply turned their head.

The greed of materialism watered their palates as boundaries came down in every area of the land. Many began to walk away from their faith and believe in the lie that we have all, is all and can do all. The arrogance of pride gives a blind false confidence.

Jesus Christ laid His life down so we can have forgiveness of our sins, freedom from being a slave to those sins, and receive God’s truth in His Son. Only then, can we say, “I can do all things in Christ.”    Will you believe it?  In Him we have our hope.

He gave. We are to give.  Pride never wins or apologizes. I have heard pride justify itself even with the word of God. Then pride falls.

Love is not permissiveness. Love is caring enough to jump into the water to save a person who is drowning because he chose the wrong way. Love is doing because this is when pride eventually retreats. And, God Himself will make a way for you to do this good,

We depended upon things first and God later and if we do not correct our behavior, God will because He still loves us more than any good father here on earth. What a powerful Father we have!

Have you given thought of what true humility really is? True humbleness is admitting that we are wrong. That we have sinned many times. That we have left the God of Creation to do things independently and not Gods way. Unbelief and doubt are the foundation of all sin. You cannot be humble if you do not believe in the truth, nor can you see clearly.

Years back, before I was born-again, I was driving my vintage 1953 VW beetle tin can of a car home from a bar in the blackest of night. I noticed an oncoming car was headed towards me in my lane. I could barely see under its blinding lights. In nanoseconds I jerked the steering wheel first to the left and saw the car race past me. I noticed I was going to go into a ditch and tore the wheel to the right and it was then that the bug rolled and bounced 3 times in the air like a giant heavy basketball. I remember hearing a lady scream as I bounced. Right before I landed, [no seat belts back then] the door popped open with me falling on the ground. Laying there I noticed I couldn’t move my legs. My thoughts? “Oh Father, please not that.” [I had previously met my Holy Father in a Catholic Orphanage when I was 5 years old.] Little by little I started moving my toes, then my feet and got up on my legs. By that time, the police and ambulance were there. Did the lady who screamed call the ambulance? Did she pray for me? They couldn’t believe I was alive. I looked over at the VW that was completely flattened. If I hadn’t fallen out, I would have been flattened too. Yes, there are always consequences from our decisions! During that time, I didn’t have any thoughts or fear of what could have happened.  If I had the fear of God, I would not have even been at the bar or on the road. It is only by the grace of God that I walked away with bruises.

You could be thinking; “I thought we had a loving God? Why should I fear Him?” The Bible tells us to “Fear God and live.” After I was born-again, I realized that fearing God keeps you from sinning. This is the realization of knowing when you step out of His will and deliberately sin, you are going to be chastised. He cares enough to stop us from ruining our lives. Real humbleness and wisdom begins with the fear of God.

“The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.”
Proverbs 14:27

We still have hope. Yes, we must keep praying in faith; but now it is time to give up your own self importance and trust in God with everything you have in yourself. It is time to get right with God and time to grow up.

“Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for: through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.” Pr.16:6 niv

That man fears God because he has chosen to believe in Him. This is a heart choice.

We learn humility through repentance, and this is the only thing that will bring a family and a nation back to God and it begins with a heart reckoning. It begins with us. It begins with accepting the truth about Jesus and how He went to the cross so we could have forgiveness for our sins and have eternal life. It all begins with you.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people. If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2Ch. 7:13, 14 niv.


Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I know I have sinned, and I realize I have hurt many people through my selfish choices. I need You in my life. I need a miracle. I desperately need your help. I ask that You would forgive me for [name them]_________.  I repent and put down all my pride and ask that Your Holy Spirit would fill me up and teach me everything I need to know to be that new person in Christ. Work in my heart, my mind and soul. Give me the strength I need to be that overcomer that believers need to be. I ask that You never give up on me, for Your word says that You never start something that You do not finish. Send me Your people to pray with me and help me grow. In Jesus I ask, amen.


If you have prayed from your heart in humble sincerity, I wholeheartedly welcome you into the family of God. Though you will still have trials, you will have the Body of Christ to help you through the rockiness. Grow and learn about Jesus Christ and learn wisdom that will give you the strength to obey His precepts, stand upon His promises and see His hand in your life everywhere you go. Find a good Bible believing church and make good friends that will be by your side while you journey. Never forget, you are loved and you are not alone!



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