Friday, February 21, 2014

By Faith, Your Chains are Broken!

Through it All, God Never Fails

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 KJV

Though the world changes and your life progresses into a ripened experience; you once did not have and as you begin to see the bigger picture, there is one thing we can know without a doubt;  and that is knowing our Father God never changes.

We are called to live by faith not by sight. If we were to live by the things that we see, sooner or later we would discover a boundary that falls short of our needs and a lack of confidence in the God who never fails. God’s blessings are boundless.
Just recently I had the good fortune to talk to my in-laws about God. The night before, I prayed and asked God that He would make a way for me to answer questions for them. Just like clockwork the next evening,  the questions were asked. I was amazed to see how the Holy Spirit was moving in our midst. These are people who left God over 50 years ago and denied he existed and replaced him with jazz clubs and plenty of beer.

I was particularly concerned about the gentleman because he has the early stages of dementia. When he gets into his car to drive, he has a problem understanding which way is right or left. Too much alcohol destroys our brain cells. That evening he had a sound mind and an open heart. He understood everything I was saying and agreed. He started to open up about his childhood and how his mother had abandoned him and his siblings. She left his father for another man; when they were only babies.  He spoke of the bitterness his father had, how he would beat him and how he never loved him. Later when he grew up and tried to befriend his father, he still turned him away on a continual basis. Both of these men, had wounded spirits and souls. One soul tried to reconcile but was rejected over and over. Unable to understand the actions from the rejection of his parents, is it any wonder he finally went to drink?

This is exactly what the evil spirits want to accomplish as they look for the open doors of weaknesses in our lives. They strive to enter the doors of our lives as early as possible and once inside; keep work to stay in control through a spirit of bondage, all of our lives if allowed; whether it be drink, drugs or fear. Whatever your weakness, they can gain entrance if you do not know Jesus as your Savior.

Hold on though! Though our gentleman has gone though such extreme rejection, God has used him to bring about an extraordinary measure of discernment and empathy. He understands the pain others go through. He understands the hearts of those who have experienced the deepest throes of abandonment and lack of love while growing up. He understands abuse and he understands being caught in a web; wanting to get out but feeling chained to something that keeps holding him down. 

Unless you have been there, you will not be able to understand the heaviness that weighs such a heart.

God uses everything we go through and he turns it all around to help those who need a heavy shoulder for them to lean upon. Every time someone is leaning on another person in love, they are seeing the love of Jesus.

My in-law was telling me that he was talking to an elderly lady of 89 years with no family; who was worried that she might outlive her monthly income. Her Baptist Pastor heard about her worry and told her not to worry about it and that the church will take care of her. Now she can live the rest of her life in peace without financial worry. This is what the church is supposed to do and the kindness of the church touched our gentleman’s heart. The little widow lady may not have realized how he was being touched when she was telling him her story. God used her to sow more seed in his heart.  

You may have prayed for a person for years and still have not seen the results of your petitions. Now, stand upon your prayers and begin to thank God for the answer. Move your speech into a faith speech and picture your request as done. Believe the whole thing as finished. When doubt begins to enter your heart: Ask yourself, “how big is my God?”

Remind yourself that we have a God who never fails us. We have one who never abandon’s us. When he says he is going to do something, take him at his word.

We do not have to understand everything to accept his word or live by faith. 

Our part is to live a life of love and obedience.


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