Monday, February 17, 2014

Love your Enemies

Drink this spot of Tea this Morning.

"But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. To show that you are the children of your father who is in heaven, for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and wrongdoers [alike].
For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not  even the tax collectors do that? Matthew 5:44-46 amp.

Most of us know that those closest to us, will sometimes be the hardest to love. We usually find ourselves taking them for granted and they in return take us for granted. Before you know it, everyone is taking each other for granted.

We see each other's annoying habits and overlook many things, then out of the blue; all those things we did not communicate about becomes like a volcano and we erupt.

Every day is a challenge to respond in a godly way for those who believe in the God of the Bible. One minute you can be up and full of the joy of the Lord, the next minute you can walk into work; and discover you have become jobless.

We do not know what a day is going to bring. However, I have become convinced over the years, that if we are truly renewing our minds to the will of God; it will be the Holy Spirit inside of us who will be responding in that acceptable way. Just as Romans 12:2  promises.

Therefore, teach yourselves not to be anxious, but to trust God in every situation. Begin to look and watch how He works it all out in your life.

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