Thursday, February 27, 2014

Look for the Goodness in People

Never Give Up

“When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” Romans 1:22 NLV

Whatever we give to another, will always come back to us. Need encouragement? Begin to look for ways to say a good word to those most in need. Begin to train yourself to think upon helping those who need a shoulder, a good word or a helping hand. Look for the good in people.
It is easy for us to spot the inefficiencies and faults of other people, especially if we are working with them or live with them. Most times the very things we are finding fault in are only a reflection of our own stained hearts.  We need to exercise more love.

Make today a challenge. Begin to look for the good in one person, then; when you see you can do that, go for another.  Make a special effort to tell them about this goodness. How do you know that the very words that come out of your mouth will be exactly what they needed to hear and will be making their whole day!

In doing this, you will see their faces light up with hope. Giving rays of hope can become contagious because everything you give will all come back to you in the future. When we give hope to others we  are giving the love of God and have developed a good habit.

Sometimes, you may have to secretly watch another for awhile to pick up their goodness. The smallest thing should be noticed. For example: Say, a fellow work associate is in the cafeteria everyday and eats alone. Perhaps he/she is an odd type, not necessarily friendly and may have a hard time fitting into the social circles. Does he seem to have a knack with the way he does his job? Does he seem to be good with accounting? Is he wearing a new tie, new shirt? Hair cut differently? If you look hard enough you will be able to find something good to say to him.

An example of a dose of encouragement could be to walk up and say:
 ”Hey Harry, I noticed how well you handled that account, that was amazing!” And you smile and walk away.
 Or, “Hey Sara, you have a new haircut, and that is really looking good.”  And, you smile and walk away. Remember, a small dose of encouragement can come from a very small action.  
Or,” I noticed how that school bully was being rough with you and the way you handled it was outstanding!” 
For a young child, “Gina, I love the way you folded your clothes and put them away. You are going to grow up and be so organized.”  In this last one, we not only told the child how we noticed her folding and then putting the clothes away, but we went a little bit further and declared by faith that she was going to be organized in the future.

The giver always reaps more benefit than the receiver.  What can you lose when you have everything to gain?

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