Saturday, May 31, 2014

There is only one you, make the most of it.

A Sound Heart

"A sound heart is the life of the flesh; but envy the rottenness of the bones." Proverbs 14:30

Instead of thinking about what you do not have, make a list of what you do have. Instead of training your mind to compare yourself with others; remember you are incomparable, because there is only one you in the whole wide world! Though there may be similarities in your life and another's; be reminded that in every acorn there was a tree just waiting to burst forth with life. Seek your destiny in Christ and allow His peace to reign in your heart.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Seeking Peace #2

Where'd you go?

Seeking Peace 2

How many people know that whatever you study about and give to others; you, yourself will have to go through the very things you studied? Because my article was “good to go” or so I thought, my neighborhood was having internet problems and I had to wait about 5 hours before I could get back on and edit one last time. After I placed my article on a few of my sites I went into the kitchen and promptly spilled a large container of birdfeed all over the floor. Then, while making myself a fruity summer drink I dumped half of the lemon juice into my glass and stubbed my toe.  I thought to myself: “I know exactly what is going on and this isn’t a big deal. I have peace! I have peace!” In fact, remember that song we use to sing? “I have peace like a river, I have peace like a river; I have peace like a river in my soul.” 

I always try to look on the bright side of glory. I am glad I like lemons [that is a plus] and I am also glad to have been reminded to take the birdseed out for our wild bird family [another plus]. As for the computer, well this machine is still a challenge in trying to figure things out, but I know it is still working for me; not against me. Although, there are times I’d rather be digging in the garden or picking Collards and catching some good ole D-3. The truth is, I have come to love my word processor and the research that so instantly gratifies my curiosity. The trouble I have now is that the more I sit, I more I become like the metropolis of Los Angeles; spread out. I have also learned that sitting doesn't necessarily clear your arteries and there’s the problem. Ah, but I still have that peace!

I have experienced that although I may not feel like I have the peace at times, if I am obedient; the emotions will catch up with my obedience.  

Remember the saying “you are so spiritual that you are not any earthly good?” I never had “peace” over that saying; after all I dig in dirt and get my hands dirty like all the other fanatical “earthy” old hippy type gardeners. I know what they meant though. Example: If I am talking in Christian-ese, which sounds like Chinese, who would understand me; but another Christian? The truth is; if people are honest, most believers have trouble on and off with peace too. Peace and patience are definitely kindred spirits. I may be spiritual but when I turn on the evening news Peace goes out the window if I continue to listen to what they promote.

The way I see the fruit of peace is that we are to continue to nurture it. Cherish it and allow it to grow in our life. So what if the world is falling apart all around us? We have His peace!!

Yes, we really do.

God Bless You


Strive for Peace

The Fruit of Peace

Seek Peace
“Clothe yourselves therefore, as (God’s own picked representatives) His own chosen ones, (who are) purified and holy and well-beloved [by God Himself, by putting on behavior marked by] tenderhearted pity and mercy, kind feeling, a lowly opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, [and] patience – which is tireless, long-suffering and has the power to endure whatever comes with good temper. Be gentle and forbearing with one another and if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against another, readily pardoning each other; even as the Lord has freely forgiven you, so must you also [forgive]. And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from the Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts – deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds – [in that peaceful state] to which [as members of Christ’s] one body you were called [to live]. And be thankful – appreciative, giving praise to God always.” Colossians 3:13-15 amp

The Body of Christ is commissioned to use the fruit of peace that Jehovah Shalom [Peace] has given to them. Blessed Peace is that part of the Holy Spirit that breathes upon us and begins to calm our souls. Though there can be storms of turmoil throughout one single day, this God given fruit begins to still our hearts and quiets our soul. Today we need peace more than ever. Too many times we allow peace to be shelved and be unused.  Peace is one of the fruit of the Spirit and every child of God needs to know how to seek peace and align our souls, spirit and body in this uncompromising position.

Think of yourself as a type of tree. Every tree is different and needs unique cultivation, nurturing, fertilizer and compost hoed in gently around the earth. Some trees take years to bear fruit; others will bear in one year. Once the tree begins to bloom, the flowers must be properly pollinated so that fruit will bear. The tree must hold up against hail, thunderstorms, unexpected frost and ice; and heavy winds and if the tree was strong, should bear in the springtime.

To first have the peace of Jehovah Shalom, the receiver experiences the testing’s of hardship and trials in their life. When we are disobedient we do not have peace, because we are usually looking over our shoulder in guilt; however we are still learning. When we are obedient, we are nurturing His peace because we have a clear conscience.

What exactly is this Peace?  Webster’s Dictionary has a few things to say about the word:
 noun \ˈpēs\
: a state in which there is no war or fighting
: an agreement to end a war
: a period of time when there is no war or fighting
Full Definition of PEACE
:  a state of tranquillity or quiet: as
a :  freedom from civil disturbance
b :  a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom peace
:  freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
:  harmony in personal relations
a :  a state or period of mutual concord between governments
b :  a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity
—used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell
 at peace
:  in a state of concord or tranquillity
Examples of PEACE
1.    After many years of war, people on both sides were longing for peace.
2.    We said a prayer for world peace.
3.    He tried to negotiate a peace between the warring countries.
4.    There was a peace of 50 years before war broke out again.
5.    Peace and order were finally restored in the town.
6.    After years of therapy, he has finally achieved an innerpeace.
7.    He is searching for inner peace.
8.    Insurance can provide you with peace of mind.
9.    The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.
10. They are at peace with each other.
Origin of PEACE
Middle English pees, from Anglo-French pes, pees, from Latinpac-, pax; akin to Latin pacisci to agree — more at pact
First Known Use: 12th century
Related to PEACE
Related Words
Near Antonyms
Other Government and Politics Terms
Rhymes with PEACE
Definition of PEACE
intransitive verb
:  to be, become, or keep silent or quiet
First Known Use of PEACE
14th century
 geographical name \ˈpēs\
Who has not had a problem clearing their mind at bed time? Instead, we take the daily activities to bed with us. Our thoughts are restless and full of numbers and strategies when we are to go to sleep. We are not receiving peace from Jehovah Shalom. Instead we choose worry from the spirit of fear.

How do we do this?

You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.” Is. 26:3

We are commanded to seek peace.

“Depart from evil; and do good, seek peace, and pursue it. Ps. 34:14 KJV

How can you keep your mind stayed on God?

Philippians 4:4-9 tells you:

4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. NIV

Think about good things. Look at good things. Listen to good things and DO good things. Peace will not come into your life, if you are pumping negative garbage inside of you that belongs to world.

Are you listening to a gossipy “friend” all of the time? Once she begins her cycle, offer to pray for her. She will get the message and your ear will no longer be a garbage can.
Turn off those soap operas and the songs that sing about getting drunk, running around and shooting up drugs. Anything that is contrary to the fruit of the Spirit should be avoided like the plague.

Before you retire in the evening:

·         Make a new decision to form a good habit
·          Pray before you get in bed and believe God has heard your prayer. (Mt. 17:20,21)
·          Re-commit yourself to God every night in thankfulness. Confess any wrongs.
·         Trust in Him with everything that you have (faith)
·         Never give up hope, because your confidence is in the Lord; not man.
·         Expect peace

Can we think of Peace as harmony within our soul, spirit and body? God the Father, Jesus the Son and The Holy Spirit are all in harmony and in one accord. Jehovah Shalom brings harmony, unity and one accord to our own body and in The Body of Christ.

What does harmony mean?

1.    1.
the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.
"four-part harmony in the barbershop style"

Everything lines up when we have harmony.  

agreement or concord.

"man and machine in perfect harmony"
accordagreementpeace, peacefulness, amity, amicability,friendshipfellowshipcooperationunderstandingconsensusunity,sympathyrapport, like-mindedness; 

When we are in agreement with Jehovah Shalom [Peace] our lives are in one accord. I like to think that our soul is singing His praises as we walk in the obedience of Peace. The soul, spirit and body is singing in tune and in perfect harmony.

 I personally love the way the Amplified Version said: Let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from the Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts!

Allow His Peace to rule your Soul [emotional making decision center] and obey the Spirit of God.
Many times we do not have peace, because we do not think of tending this fruit. We receive the fruit of the Spirit through the Spirit of God. The more the Holy Spirit saturates our lives and our soul the more fruit bearing we will become. The keener the eyes of our heart will be to develop this fruit. We become sensitive to hearing His voice and His will.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Ga. 5:25

We use this fruit of Peace to fight our daily dragons and to encourage those around us. By faith, we use His Peace to stand against:

*      The lies that the enemy would evoke against us and those we love
*      To battle stress
*      To battle and prevent disease
*      To be still and hear God
*      To work with the rest of the fruit

Seek peace, the trials will come; for it is in those testing’s that we are refined and sifted. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to serve other gods. They were thrown in the fiery furnace. Where did their peace come from? How? They deliberately chose to keep their minds stayed upon Jehovah Shalom. They drew closer to Him and He watched over them protecting them from the flames.

Yes I believe that!

Why didn’t Daniel get eaten by the lions when he was thrown into their den? Because he had an excellent spirit and he chose to be faithful to God. His eyes were stayed upon Jehovah Shalom. He chose peace over fear. He learned early in in his life in order to walk close to God; he had to place his life in His hands.

Where did the peace come from when Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit and sold him into Egypt? Was he resentful when he was unjustly accused of having an adulterous relationship with the Pharaohs’ wife and cast into prison? What were his thoughts?  

The Bible says that God was with him in prison and that he prospered.


If life throws you into a pit, begin to think and speak in these terms:

“I am going into a new direction in my life! I am going to learn patience and peace through pollination and look out world; because I am going to be pregnant and bear fruit! The change I have been praying for is getting closer. The pit is making me stronger. A flower has to gather strength before it blooms! After the bloom, comes the fruit!

We reach, stoop and bend; to pick up the hoe that we use to tend our tree in the garden. We are held responsible to humble ourselves, so we can hear what God is saying to our hearts. We won’t hear Him in any other way. 

Jehovah Shalom has a way of getting our attention, so that we can be blessed with His love.
What if you are in a form of prison? If our heart is right; God is faithful and will continue to teach you what you need to learn.  If you have made an unwise decision and are in an unhappy position in your life, God’s peace is still there, but it is up to you to seek Him through His word and develop what has been given to us. 

We have been given everything we need to walk in His peace and it all begins with prayer and obedience.

God Bless you.