Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Seeking Peace #2

Where'd you go?

Seeking Peace 2

How many people know that whatever you study about and give to others; you, yourself will have to go through the very things you studied? Because my article was “good to go” or so I thought, my neighborhood was having internet problems and I had to wait about 5 hours before I could get back on and edit one last time. After I placed my article on a few of my sites I went into the kitchen and promptly spilled a large container of birdfeed all over the floor. Then, while making myself a fruity summer drink I dumped half of the lemon juice into my glass and stubbed my toe.  I thought to myself: “I know exactly what is going on and this isn’t a big deal. I have peace! I have peace!” In fact, remember that song we use to sing? “I have peace like a river, I have peace like a river; I have peace like a river in my soul.” 

I always try to look on the bright side of glory. I am glad I like lemons [that is a plus] and I am also glad to have been reminded to take the birdseed out for our wild bird family [another plus]. As for the computer, well this machine is still a challenge in trying to figure things out, but I know it is still working for me; not against me. Although, there are times I’d rather be digging in the garden or picking Collards and catching some good ole D-3. The truth is, I have come to love my word processor and the research that so instantly gratifies my curiosity. The trouble I have now is that the more I sit, I more I become like the metropolis of Los Angeles; spread out. I have also learned that sitting doesn't necessarily clear your arteries and there’s the problem. Ah, but I still have that peace!

I have experienced that although I may not feel like I have the peace at times, if I am obedient; the emotions will catch up with my obedience.  

Remember the saying “you are so spiritual that you are not any earthly good?” I never had “peace” over that saying; after all I dig in dirt and get my hands dirty like all the other fanatical “earthy” old hippy type gardeners. I know what they meant though. Example: If I am talking in Christian-ese, which sounds like Chinese, who would understand me; but another Christian? The truth is; if people are honest, most believers have trouble on and off with peace too. Peace and patience are definitely kindred spirits. I may be spiritual but when I turn on the evening news Peace goes out the window if I continue to listen to what they promote.

The way I see the fruit of peace is that we are to continue to nurture it. Cherish it and allow it to grow in our life. So what if the world is falling apart all around us? We have His peace!!

Yes, we really do.

God Bless You


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